Chapter 4, Veiled memories

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We reluctantly piled into Adam's car, a sleek black sedan that stood as the only vehicle capable of accommodating all six of us. Its imposing presence seemed to mirror the uncertainty that enveloped us that night. I had fervently urged everyone to use our own cars, sensing an ominous undertone in our impending journey, but my pleas had fallen on deaf ears.

As we embarked on the drive from the bustling club to the mysterious restricted place, a somber tension settled within the confines of the car. The journey spanned approximately 20 minutes, each passing second laden with unspoken questions and unresolved emotions. Adam, perhaps attempting to break the palpable silence, cautiously attempted to strike up a conversation with me. However, the remnants of my seething anger from the revelation of the night prevented me from engaging with him. I rebuffed his attempts, my gaze fixed ahead, lost in my thoughts.

From this point forward, the narrative became fragmented, and I struggled to recall the precise events that transpired afterward. My memories, like shards of a broken mirror, laid scattered, leaving gaps that needed to be meticulously pieced together. The following morning, April 4th, I awoke in a haze, disoriented and struggling to grasp the fragments of the night before.

 The haziness that cloaked my recollection led me to attribute my fragmented memory to the intoxicating effects of the drinks we had consumed—a frequent occurrence in my life.

Preparing myself for college, I descended the stairs, only to find Harsh and Ruhaan awaiting me with an air of anxious anticipation. Their eyes bore a mixture of concern and confusion, setting off a tremor of alarm within me.

"Yam, what happened last night?" they implored, their voices laden with worry.

Perplexed, I responded, "What? I don't understand."

"Harsh had this strange dream last night, a vivid recollection of us getting out of the car with Samaira, Aadhya, you, and Adam. But then, everything turns blank. I had a similar dream, um.. kind of a dream but real. Something happened, but we can't remember."

Ruhaan explained, his words unleashing a surge of fear and anxiety within me.


We shared what fragments of memory we could summon, our collective confusions growing with each revelation.

Determined to uncover the truth, we agreed to confront the other three about their recollections.

The subsequent thirty-minute drive to college felt like an eternity, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon us all. My mind swirled with fragmented thoughts, attempting to piece together the enigma of the previous night. Well yeah now it seems like an exaggeration, but at the time it felt so huge.  As we arrived at college, Samaira, Aadhya, and Adam hurried toward us,( Hehe! Oh that was funny!), their faces etched with a similar blend of bewilderment and concern.

"What happened last night?" they anxiously queried, mirroring our own desperation for answers. To our dismay, they, too, were plagued by memory gaps,(this is where it turned horrifying, I mean I am an alcoholic but others too can't remember anything?) their recollections clouded by a disorienting haze. We pooled our fragmented memories together, striving to construct a coherent narrative from the disparate fragments. Samaira was the first to speak, her voice trembling(Why? so much drama I tell you) with uncertainty.

"I remember...we went to a palace. It was breathtaking, adorned with intricate carvings, and I caught a glimpse of a garage filled with an impressive collection of bikes and cars. That's all I can recall," she shared. (That's it? but what was the need for that tremble? I mean there's nothing horrifying about cars) (unless they were haunted, WHOA!)

The realization that we had ventured into the realm of the incredibly wealthy became evident with her revelation.

Aadhya, sensing the gravity of the situation, hesitantly (finally a sane reaction) recounted her memories. "I remember discussing the restricted place with Harsh, how he expressed a desire to explore such a spooky location. He then went to speak with you, Yami. Beyond that, my recollection grows hazy," she admitted, her words tinged with guarded reserve. I couldn't shake the feeling that she was concealing more, that her memories held secrets yet untold.

Finally, it was Adam's turn to share his fragmented recollections. With a hint of hesitation, he spoke, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I don't recall leaving the club, but I do remember having a conversation with you, Yami. You were angry, and I sought solace at the bar, drowning my confusion in more drinks. Afterward, we found ourselves in a dimly lit room together. In that moment, I expressed my feelings for you, even though I couldn't comprehend their intensity. We shared a heartfelt connection, and then...everything fades to dark."

Adam's revelation startled me, triggering a jumble of emotions. "Wait, I hugged you? Why would I do that? Don't make things up! This is serious, and you—" I began, my words laced with disbelief.

He cut me off, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm not fabricating anything. And what do you know about being serious? Yesterday, my words held genuine meaning. And how did you respond?" he retorted, his words piercing through my defences.

As our argument threatened to derail our search for truth, Harsh, growing frustrated, intervened with an authoritative tone. "This argument won't bring us any closer to understanding! How did we lose our memories? We need to focus and stop bickering. Our safety is at stake!" His stern rebuke silenced us all, emphasizing the urgency of our quest for answers. The spotlight then shifted to Ruhaan, who stood as a beacon of determination amidst our confusion.

"Let's return to the restricted place. I have a feeling that's the only way we'll unravel this mystery," Ruhaan suggested, his voice infused with a mix of apprehension and resolve."It's decided, then. We're going back to the restricted place immediately, understood?" Samaira declared, her tone resolute, reinforcing the gravity of our situation.

Though a potent blend of determination propelled us forward, a cloud of unease settled over our collective consciousness. The possibility of danger loomed ominously, an ever-present reminder that any misstep could lead to dire consequences. We agreed to retrace our steps meticulously, replicating every detail leading up to our entrance into the enigmatic palace. Armed with burning curiosity and a shared yearning for answers, we embarked on a treacherous journey into the unknown.

At this point it seemed like we were reading too much into it but we left the club together and we all remember different places we were at, what happened that night and then how did we reach our home and slept in our beds. Of course it could easily be hallucinations/alcohol playing but to all of us?, this was disturbing.

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