Chapter- 32, Whispers through the veil

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In the dimly lit room of the abandoned house, Vikram and I lay side by side on the bed, legs touching the ground, and knees bent, both gazing up at the white ceiling. The room, though modest, speaks of a comfortable life – not opulent, but certainly not lacking. My hand rests on my belly as Vikram breaks the silence, suggesting that we eat.
Nodding in agreement, we make our way to the makeshift dining area. On the menu is a spread of cabbage Manchurian noodles and fried rice – a Chinese feast. Despite the chaos that has engulfed our lives, the flavors offer a momentary reprieve. Each bite lightens my mood, bringing a sense of relief after a day of not eating.Returning to the bed, thoughts of impending doom linger in the air. The questions, like an unending cascade, flood my mind. Why are Ruhaan and Adam pursuing us with such relentless determination? What is the mystery behind the powers they possess? Why did Harsh avoid open communication? What significance lies in the tattoo on Ruhaan's hand? Where were Samaira and Aadhya during the chaos at the villa, and what were they plotting? The list of unanswered queries seems infinite.Lost in contemplation, I find myself reflecting on Adam. Despite his betrayal, memories of his calmness, sweetness, and straightforwardness from two years ago linger. The man I encountered at the villa was an unfamiliar, ruthless version of the Adam I once knew. The intrigue deepens as questions about the events of the last two years, the transformation of Adam and Ruhaan, and their efforts to undermine trust between Vikram and me fill my thoughts.Vikram notices the weight of my contemplation and tries to comfort me. "Yami, we'll figure this out. We have each other," he reassures, his eyes reflecting a blend of concern and determination. The complexities of our situation weave a tapestry of uncertainty, yet his presence offers a semblance of stability.As I recline on the bed, my mind drifts into an unexpected trance. Vivid images flood my consciousness – a staircase, a red garment over a white dress, and the peculiar sensation of being barefoot. I find myself kneeling in front of someone named Rukmi, who gracefully places a crown on my head. The vision is hazy, fragmented, but rich in detail.Abruptly, Vikram's voice penetrates the trance, calling my name. "Yami! Yami! Yami!" I return to awareness, and Vikram enfolds me in a tight embrace. "I will never let anything happen to you," he pledges, his words carrying a depth of emotion.Confused and disoriented, I recount the vision to Vikram. "I saw myself walking towards Rukmi as she takes the crown from a plate about to crown me."Vikram, with a glow in his eyes, reveals the significance of the vision. "You saw the day of your succession, the day you became the queen of Anartha!""Succession?" I inquire, and Vikram's response carries weight. "Yes, Yami, you are the queen of Anartha, the true queen!"With a mere nod, I found myself once again ensconced in the embrace of the vision. Vikram, with an ability to unlock the secrets of my past, guided me through the peculiar details of the ceremony from his own memories. The unfolding panorama was nothing short of breathtaking, a vivid tapestry woven with the threads of grandeur and significance.The vision commenced with a grand entrance, a staircase that stretched into the ethereal realms of memory. I, adorned in a resplendent ensemble, stood poised at the precipice of destiny. A red garment draped over a pristine white dress, an amalgamation of colors that symbolized the dichotomy of my existence – the regality of my lineage juxtaposed with the purity of my essence.As I descended the staircase, barefoot yet resolute, I couldn't escape the ethereal quality of the scene. Each step resonated with a silent proclamation of my destiny, a destiny that, until this moment, had been veiled in the shroud of forgotten time. The attire, a red cape with gold embroidery, billowed behind me like a regal insignia, marking my journey into the echelons of Anarthan royalty.The regal demeanor that enveloped me spoke volumes of a confidence I hadn't fathomed. There was an attitude, a fire in my eyes that dared anyone to challenge the authority that destiny had bestowed upon me.The pivotal moment unfolded as I knelt before Rukmi, the matriarch of Anartha, a figure of elegance and grace. In her hands rested the crown, a symbol of my ascension to the throne. The juxtaposition of her adorned white Anarkali kurta and diamond jewellery against my crimson attire created a visual symphony that transcended time itself.Rukmi, with a wisdom etched in the lines of her graceful countenance, placed the crown upon my head. It was a coronation, a rite of passage that marked the zenith of my journey. As the crown settled upon my brow, the weight of responsibility mingled with the ecstasy of realization. The act was ceremonial, yet the gravity of its symbolism pulsed through the very core of my being.As the scene is offering a perspective from Vikram's eyes. Those present on that momentous day were revealed – Ruhaan, Aadhya, Samaira, Harsh, and Adam. Each of them stood witness to the crowning of the queen, their roles in the grand spectacle unfolding like a clandestine dance of fate.However, the vision abruptly halted, leaving me on the precipice of revelation. "What? Why did you stop?" I queried, yearning for more.Vikram's revelation hung in the air, laden with an urgency that matched the gravity of our circumstances. "To know the whole truth, we have to reach the palace."His words reverberated within me, a resonating chord that amplified the already pressing need to return to Anartha. In my fragmented state, visions teased me with mere fragments, leaving a voracious hunger for a comprehensive understanding of my royal lineage."In your current state, you cannot call the mirror, and I am not allowed to," Vikram confessed, unraveling yet another layer of the enigma surrounding us."Allowed to?" I questioned, my confusion palpable.With a weighty admission, Vikram unveiled a part of his clandestine identity. "I am a soldier of Anartha, Yami. I am not even supposed to be in this realm. I came for you. I regretted leaving you alone that day.""Which day?" I inquire further."I can't show you that day because my memory won't help. I was on a rendezvous with my friends, responding to a request about some nuisance towards the south.""South? Anartha has a south? and which day? after my ascension?" I express my surprise."Yami, let's first get back to Anartha, then we can talk as freely as you want. and no not the day of your ascension, I wouldn't have left you alone that day, it was a different day later on" Vikram gently guides me back to the bed, his touch a comforting reassurance. As I lay beside him, he caresses my hair, and the weariness of the day begins to take its toll.In a moment of vulnerability, I confess, "Will my head always spin when I get these visions of my memories?""Just until we get back to Anartha," Vikram replies, his voice carrying a soothing cadence.The final embers of the vision faded, leaving me shivering on the precipice of uncertainty. Vikram's revelation hung heavy in the air, his true identity a double-edged sword. A soldier of Anartha, he had pledged to guide me back to the throne, to unravel the tapestry of my past. But how could I trust the hand that reached out, when shadows of doubt still danced in my heart?Ruhaan and Adam, could they be protecting me?. Had they been shielding me from the very destiny Vikram now embraced? Each path held equal peril, each whisper of truth laced with deceit. Yet, in that moment of paralyzing confusion, my gaze fell upon Vikram, his eyes reflecting the moonlight, his touch a familiar anchor in the storm. In the absence of absolute certainty, I clung to the only truth I knew – the undeniable warmth that bloomed in my chest at his presence. My heart, battered and bruised, still resonated with a melody reserved only for him. Until the fog of amnesia lifted, until the memories I craved returned, I would let my faith be my compass, trusting Vikram's path for the sake of my soul. His embrace, the promise of answers, felt like the first step towards reclaiming my own life, my own power. And for now, that was enough.My eyelids grow heavy, and as sleep claims me, the night envelops its tranquility. The complexities of our journey, the enigma of my past, and the promise of revelations weave together, creating a tapestry that unfurls in the quietude of the abandoned house.

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