Chapter 37, New me? Old me?

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The word slipped from my lips, raw and breathless: "I Remember." It hung in the air, heavy with the weight of revelation, while my own body buzzed with dissonance. Images flickered through my mind like a chaotic film reel, fragments of memories both vibrant and terrifying. Panic snaked through me, manifesting as a hollow ache in my limbs and a searing throb in my Achilles. A choked cry escaped me, the sound brittle and unfamiliar."Sleep on time!, how many times will it take?" My voice cracked, echoing harshly in the dimly lit room. Vikram started, his hands reflexively tightening on my shoulders. Confusion etched lines between his brows. "Yami?" he breathed, his voice hoarse with sleep. "What...? how...? how many...? You remember?"The tremor in my body subsided, replaced by a chilling calm. Memories, once shattered shards, started to coalesce, forming a disturbing picture. A triumphant grin stretched across my face, but it faltered as dizziness washed over me. I tried to rise, but the world tilted, and I collapsed back onto the soft bedding."Stay down, me lady" Ishu exclaimed, her voice laced with exhaustion and unspoken resentment. I understood her apprehension.Ishu's eyelids drooped like half-moons, betraying her weariness at being there. My return wasn't exactly a parade after the trials they'd endured in my absence. "You've been in and out," she muttered, her voice laced with unspoken resentment.I knew she was right. Fair? Maybe no. Good? Definitely not. But the memories were flooding back, vivid and unwelcome. A sharp prickle in my right hand drew my attention to the cannula snaking its way into my vein, a constant reminder of my vulnerability."Had to," Amuni confirmed, her gruff voice softened by a sliver of concern. The unspoken accusation hung heavy in the air. Yet, beneath it, I sensed a thread of relief woven into the tapestry of their emotions. Amuni, towering at five feet eleven with shoulders carved by years of combat, stood apart even amongst Anartha's elite warriors. Her piercing black eyes, framed by impossibly thick lashes, missed nothing. A sun-kissed face and a braid on each side held back her dark hair, revealing a sharp nose that spoke of both strength and grace. Despite her fearsome reputation, an impeccable smile softened her features, capable of disarming enemies as readily as charming allies. While I might have harbored conflicting emotions towards Amuni – jealousy intertwined with admiration – there was no denying the woman's embodiment of character, simplicity, and undeniable beauty.My smile stretched across my face, "I know." Amuni offered a response in kind, though less enthusiastic. Nishu, her disappointment etched on her brow, chimed in, "Well, your back's straight at least. Gotta go."

My voice, rough and parched, scratched through the tense silence. "What happened?" I inquired, addressing the concerned faces clustered around me like worried birds. Vikram remained closest, kneeling by my bedside, his gaze locked with mine.

I scanned the familiar faces – Ishu, Nishu, Amuni, and Rukmini – searching for answers. But two were conspicuously absent: Radha maa and Vikram's father. Likely tending to security, ever the vigilant guardians.

"Your posture," Ishu interjected, a tinge of bitterness lacing her voice. "Straight as can be. Means you remember, don't you? No more sweet Yami from before Anartha. You're Queen now, and let's face it, You weren't known for being sugar and spice."A pang of guilt twisted in my gut. Keeping track of emotions while saving the world was a luxury I hadn't afforded them. It hurt, but duty had its price.Vikram's voice, laced with raw sincerity, cut through the haze in my mind. "Yami, do you remember? What happened? How did you...?" His question hung heavy in the air, unanswered.Desperately, I clawed at the fragments of memory swirling within me. The chilling details of my reign in Anartha were vividly etched, yet the day of my collapse remained shrouded in impenetrable fog. It was a stark disparity, this void amidst the clarity. "No," I whispered, the word heavy with disappointment as I shook my head. Dizziness washed over me, my eyelids fluttering closed and reopening in an attempt to stay anchored in the present.Vikram's hand gently squeezed mine, his voice thick with emotion. "Don't push yourself, Yami. Your memories are important, yes, but not at the cost of you." His watery eyes shone with a love that pierced through the confusion clouding my thoughts.In my years as Queen of Anartha, I'd learned to read between the lines, to discern truth from manipulation. Vikram's questions – about my memory and the events of the last day – could stem from genuine concern or harbor veiled treachery. Blind trust, a relic of a more naive past, was a luxury I could no longer afford. The truth, I knew, would reveal itself in time, surfacing when the moment was right.Amuni's voice cut through the air like a whip, sharp and laced with exasperation. "Get up, wash up, and eat something, you moron!" she barked at Vikram, her words leaving no room for debate.Vikram rose slowly, a sheepish grin on his face as he turned to me. "You don't seem confused," he remarked, his brow furrowed in mock surprise."Why would I be?" I countered, a playful smile twitching on my lips despite the lingering haze in my mind."Well," Vikram drawled, "considering Amuni just chewed me out for being a slob, you'd think you'd find it a little...unusual.""Oh darling," I chuckled, my voice soft, "I've seen you in much worse condition. Remember?" My gaze dropped to the IV drip feeding me nutrients I'd neglected, a tangible reminder of my vulnerability.He reached out, gently lifting my chin with his thumb and index finger. "You're back," he stated, his eyes searching mine. A tender kiss landed on my forehead, the contact a spark of familiarity in the fog."Rest up," he murmured, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "We'll talk later, when you're stronger." With that, he turned and left, followed by the others. Their expressions were less welcoming than Vikram's, a mixture of relief and apprehension that mirrored my own turmoil, but whatever they can do about it?"Horrible?" I whispered to myself, the question hanging heavy in the air. Who was I now? Was this the "old" me, the one they feared, or a new iteration shaped by my lost memories? Uncertainty gnawed at me.Suddenly, a memory flickered on the periphery of my mind – Rukmini's piercing gaze as she left, her head shaking ever so slightly. It wasn't a reprimand, but a silent plea. Her lips moved ever so faintly, forming a sentence that echoed in my ears: "Remember the last day, Yami. What happened that day?"The words pulsed with urgency, igniting a spark of determination within me. The truth was out there, buried beneath the rubble of my lost memory, and I would find it. This wasn't just about reclaiming my past; it was about reclaiming myself.

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