Chapter 9, Tangled Bonds

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The ordinary situations of life can sometimes be illuminated by the extraordinary light of the sun. In the midst of our mountain trip, the simplicity of the setting contrasted with the intricate web of emotions that unraveled among us.

The village was a haven of tranquility, its inhabitants offering us warm hospitality. Despite the friendly atmosphere, the stern gaze of an elder cast an aura of caution over our visit. Perhaps, elders were destined to uphold this air of scrutiny. Our dinner was accompanied by laughter and merriment, the villagers sharing their joyous celebration with us. Roaming through the village for a couple of hours, we immersed ourselves in the beauty of the surroundings before returning to our campsite. 

However, Aadhya's abrupt sprint towards us carried an air of distress."What's wrong? Why are you running like this?" I inquired urgently."Samaira is not okay. She tried to harm me. I don't understand what's going on with her; her behavior has been strange since yesterday," Aadhya panted, fear evident in her eyes. A sense of alarm gripped us. 

" What? That doesn't make sense. are you sure you guys didn't drink and hallucinated stuff? she is your bestfriend Aadhya. Where's Ruhaan?" Adam asked, his concern mirrored in his voice.

"He went to get some water for me. That's when it happened. Please, you have to save me," Aadhya pleaded through her tears.We hastened towards Ruhaan, who was returning from the riverside with headphones on. Unaware of the unfolding situation, he waved to us before entering the tent where Aadhya's distressing encounter had taken place. We moved swiftly to intercept him, our voices echoing in unison, but our words falling on deaf ears. Harsh managed to grasp his arm, urging him to stop and listen."What is it?" Ruhaan asked, puzzled by our urgency.

"Samaira attempted to harm Aadhya," I divulged, my voice shaky with concern.In hindsight, I ponder the dramatic manner in which I revealed the situation – a scene seemingly plucked out of a Bollywood film. Little did I know the implications of my words."I can't believe you would level such allegations against her. You're a princess; don't overstep your boundaries. I understand you might be jealous, but making such severe accusations against her is extreme,"

 Ruhaan retorted.

His words struck me like a blade. I couldn't fathom that my brother was speaking to me in such a manner, the sibling bond that had endured for 17 years seemingly shattered in that moment. My eyes welled up with a mixture of tears and anger, yet I restrained my emotions, understanding that there must be an underlying reason for his uncharacteristic harshness.

"Her account is accurate, and if you believe you know Samaira more in these past few days than you've known your sister in 17 years, then ask Aadhya yourself," Harsh interjected.

As others gathered around, Ruhaan approached Aadhya, seeking to verify the truth. Her testimony confirmed Samaira's attempt to harm her. Ruhaan appeared almost shattered, as if a part of him had been stripped away. He entered the tent to confront Samaira, only to find a situation that diverged from Aadhya's narrative. Samaira was peacefully asleep.

"Why was I so dramatic in delivering the news?" I sometimes muse, contemplating my theatrical approach."What's all this talk about a rope and an attempt to kill?" Ruhaan demanded, as confusion clouded his expression. A torrent of questions and accusations was hurled at Samaira, leaving her looking baffled and taken aback as Ruhaan woke her up. She defended herself, sharing a seemingly innocuous explanation. According to her, the incident was far from an attempt to harm Aadhya."I can't believe she had a rope and was trying to strangle me with it. I managed to break free and run, and that's when I saw you all," Aadhya recounted, her voice trembling with fear.(Oh man! What the F was happening?) "Find that rope" Harsh instructed, determination in his voice.We scoured the tent for evidence, yet our efforts were disrupted by Samaira. The truth of the situation began to unravel even as we searched, and Samaira's words  shifted the narrative. Innocently, Samaira asked, "What are you all talking about? I didn't try to harm Aadhya. We were planning to do a pedicure, and that's why we sent Ruhaan to fetch water from the river. But before he returned, she fell asleep while we were talking. In the process, she accidentally elbowed me, and the next thing I remember is you all arriving. if anything she attacked me" The mood shifted from suspicion to uncertainty, each of us grappling with the perplexity of the situation. "Are you sure you guys didn't take any roofy/Drugs/Marijuana" Harsh asked sarcastically ( expected response from him). 

 Ruhaan urged us to find the alleged rope – the determining factor between truth and nightmare. In an unexpected twist, no such rope was discovered, rendering Aadhya's account as a vivid dream rather than a reality and same for Samaira. Apologies were exchanged, bridges rebuilt, and I admitted my hasty misjudgment of Samaira's intentions. 

However, Aadhya's demeanor remained troubled, and she requested to stay in my tent for the night. Her unease was palpable, yet we attributed it to the unsettling events of the evening."Of course, you can stay in our tent, Aadhya. There's no need to feel apprehensive," I reassured her. Back in our tents, our spirits lifted as we engaged in talking, sharing moments of laughter and connection though I still was worried about Samaira that I got the person she loves and her bestfriend, what she must have been feeling. 

The atmosphere lightened as Harsh unveiled a bottle of locally brewed vodka, a gesture that instantly ignited excitement among us. The villagers employed this alcohol to ward off the cold in a summer night(it was awfully cold for a summer night though), and Harsh had thoughtfully acquired a variety of local drinks for our enjoyment. 

The merriment was in full swing, though Aadhya's discomfort seemed to persist.As the night unfolded, we collectively decided to extend our stay for another day, offering time for Aadhya's recovery. The following day's our return to college was postponed, we decided to stay back and let the others go back and we intended to bring Samaira along, hoping that she and Aadhya could mend their strained relationship.

In this seemingly joyous extension, however, the shadow of Ruhaan's harsh words continued to linger. The enigma of my brother's behavior was a puzzle that gnawed at my thoughts. The words he'd spoken remained etched in my memory, casting a veil of doubt over our once-solid bond.( I shouldn't have doubted him, he loved me like his daughter always maybe I was just jealous that someone else was getting his affection for a change, call me possessive but it is what it is) Yet, amidst the revelry and the tense undertones, the lessons of the day were clear: human connections were complex, and the pursuit of understanding and support was vital, even in the face of unexpected challenges.

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