12. Grill pt2

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Lucia laughed at Durrell as he tried his luck with many different men around the place. She had missed having him around whilst he had been chasing after a man who he had fallen for. She shook her head at his sassy and very crude chat up lines. No one would ever change him though, it was just the type of person that he was. He was very confident and when he was around Lucia he brought out the more explorative more curious side to her.
"Hey sexy...
She didn't take any notice, until she was tapped on the shoulder. She then turned her head and saw a man standing behind her. She looked away from him. "Aye! I spoke to you... don't be fucking ignorant!." The man snapped.

"Excuse me...I don't even know you...

"Well it's yo lucky day cos I wanna know you..." he said to her, a man much bigger than her, in a silk shirt half unbuttoned, white jeans with a medallion resting against his chest.

Lucia hated being chatted up like this. She always kept her mother's ring on her right hand. She slid it off down by the side of her leg. She then put it on her wedding ring finger. She lifted her hand. "I'm married...

He looked at the ring and then at her with a smirk

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He looked at the ring and then at her with a smirk. "Do it look like I give a fuck about yo man?..." he grabbed her wrist and pushed up on her at the bar.

"Don't think I won't break this glass and stick it in your jugular!." She snapped.

"Hmmm... that sounds to me like that is just words.." he said as he pushed her facing the bar and tried to slide his hand up under her dress, the club was packed and loud and everyone was against everyone else at the bar. No one knew what he was trying to do apart from her. She tried to stamp her foot back on his but she couldn't lift her leg he had her that tight against the bar.

Diego had been watching, since he had gotten to the club, knowing his baby niece was there made him feel uneasy.
Hadyn had seen that Diego was preoccupied also. He watched as Diego got out of his seat and left the VIP quickly. He nodded to a couple of his men to follow him, he was all about protecting his people.

Diego walked down to the bar and fought his way through the crowd. He stood at the back of the man who was groping his niece, he grabbed the back of his shirt and he dragged him off of her backwards and to the floor.
"Man what the fuck!....
He looked up and saw Diego and then he stopped and didn't say another word. People knew Diego and Hadyn in these parts very well.

"Did he put hands on you...

"Did he put hands on you

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