8. Infidelity

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".... What is Hadyn doing here darling.. it is not like him to show up at our place of business.." Leaford said as he walked into Dolores office, with a cockiness about him.

"Well it's not like you to show up here for business either really now is it..." she said sarcastically. She sighed. "He was here to see me...

"Well, he's definitely not here to see you anymore.. I saw him in Lucia's office not 5 minutes ago... I think they make quite the couple... she's a very beautiful girl.. and he is a very handsome, powerful man... I can see them now stepping out together...

 I can see them now stepping out together

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"Shut up" Dolores said, snapping at him. "That girl needs to go... I have noticed that she hasn't been pulling her weight around here lately..."

Leaford shook his head. "Wow! You really are a piece of work you know that... I think you need to remember that you're married... I can see that you have fallen for him... the amount of time you play with this guy has doubled since we started doing it... The way you think you could treat me outside of the arrangement... You've grown attached to him, but I got news for you Dolores, he doesn't feel the same way about you... you just do each other a favour and I'm gonna tell you something straight... if you carry on acting like this, like a fucking child over a man who isn't your husband... you're gonna find yourself very much alone without anything.. cos I could take all of this away from you... And just remember I'm the one with the money, I'm the one who he's interested in from a business point of view... if me and you aren't together then he has no reason to fucking be around you anymore..."

She looked at him. "Get out of my office Leaford...

"I own these offices Dolores... so grow up.. or you can get out... I have hundreds of women out there that would gladly step into your shoes.. just remember that... so carry on the way you are, because I'm good.." he told her and poured himself a drink from her drinks cabinet as she stormed out of the office taking her coat and bag with her.


Diego counted the cash that was in bags and in the cash register, he heard the door open and looked up from what he was doing and he stopped and nodded to Hadyn as he walked in. "Where is Courtney?.."

"In the office upstairs.. she knows that you're not happy with her..."


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