6.6 Taken

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Hank was back in the lab. He was sitting in a chair and looking through the photo album he saved. He sighed and looked at the photos of Janet and Hope. There was Hope on her sixth birthday smiling while Janet was cross-eyed behind her. Another showed the three of them at the park. Hope was sitting on her father's shoulders while Janet held an ice cream cone in her hand.

Hank smiled at seeing the photos. He then flipped the page and stopped. They were more recent photos. He knew he had put them in there, he just didn't remember doing so. It was like a part of him was unconsciously going through the motions.

Looking at the photos, he saw both himself and Y/N together. One photo showed them in New York. They were posing in front of a statue in Central Park. Y/N had pointed out how one of the statues matched Pym's scowl and was laughing in the photograph. Another photo had been taken by Y/N and showed Hank working on the Ant-Man 2.0 suit. The photo next to it showed Y/N in his big form. He was rubbing his head from hitting the ceiling during one of their tests. 

Turning the page, another photo showed Hank helping Yelena into the Stinger suit. The one next to it showed the three of them in the living room. They were drinking tea and talking about some funny life stories. Hank displayed a smile on his face telling one of his stories while Y/N appeared to be enjoying his tale with Yelena resting against his shoulder. 

Hank lightly smiled at the photos. He had had some good times with his protege. Despite his stern tone, his mentee knew how to bring the best out of him. And Hank felt better off for it. He enjoyed the young man's company despite some of his short comings. Hearing someone approaching from behind, Hank shut the book. He looked back to see it was Belova leaning against the doorway.

Hank: I'll take it you've come to also try and tell me I'm crazy.

Yelena: In a sense. But for a different reason. 

Hank: I'm not sure I have anything else. I need to do this. I need to see my family again. I don't have anyone else.

Yelena walked over and sat down in the chair next to him. She leaned forward and looked at him, examining his eyes closely. 

Yelena: I used to tell myself the same thing. That I had no one else. That everyone I knew and called family was gone. 

Hank: And then you met Y/N.

Yelena: Yes. Sure, he's not perfect. He has some issues. Not really the brightest bulb or most serious guy to be around. But he's exactly what I need. He brought my family back together and showed me how to make a new one.

Hank: What's your point?

Yelena: You really don't get it? You really are old. My point is that you've known Y/N longer than I. You've worked with him and shown him how to be a hero. What to do and how to react to danger.

Hank: He's a fast learner.

Yelena: But you apparently aren't. In all that time you've known him, all the interactions you two have had, and you've never stopped to actually think about why you keep him around. Why you still talk to him outside of work.

She looked at him and spoke a bit more softly to him.

Yelena: You told us that you were researching the scepter so that Y/N wouldn't have to continue putting himself in danger anymore. Did you ever consider that there may have been something more behind that?

Hank: I respect him. I don't want to see him get himself killed. It's for Scott, Cassie, and you. So that he can come back to you guys.

Yelena: And what about you? Hank, I can tell just by the look in your eyes how much he means to you. You've been so focused on fixing your mistakes and regretting the past that you've missed the family right in front of you. Y/N is more than a partner. He's your family. And I think a part of you has known that for a long time. 

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