4.5 Forming the Plan

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Y/N walked into the X-Con office and ushered Yelena in behind him. The guys in the office stood up to greet their new guest while Y/N walked over and grabbed a soda. He turned and introduced them all to the assassin.

Y/N: Guys, this is Miss Yelena Belova. Yelena, these are the guys.

Luis: It's so nice to meet you. Wait, Y/N, isn't this the blonde assassin whose boobs you nearly touched?

Y/N immediately did a spit take as he nearly chocked on his drink. He cleared his throat and looked at Yelena sheepishly. The blonde woman grinned and looked at him with a raised brow. Y/N turned to Luis and looked at him with a scowl.

Y/N: I told you, that does NOT leave our private sector.

Luis: Sorry man, I just get excited, you know? I mean, not just for meeting this beautiful girl, you are beautiful, but also for you and how you managed to score one for once.

Y/N put his hand over his face as his cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Yelena was trying to hold back a laugh before walking over and patting him on the shoulder.

Yelena: It's alright. Did you tell them about the time you made me fall on top of you?

Luis: You what?!

Y/N held up a finger to signal to Luis to save it. Scott entered the room and saw the blonde woman. He held out his hand and she shook it.

Scott: Oh, you must be Yelena. Y/N's told me a lot about you.

Yelena: I can tell. You must be Scott Lang. You know, your nephew really looks up to you. I can tell by the way he talks and fights.

Scott: Thanks. Let's just say he learned a few things from me. I've actually got something to ask you myself.

Yelena: Yeah? And what is that?

Scott: Is it true that Y/N had to hide in your hair to sneak into places?

Yelena smirked and looked back at Y/N, seeing him start to turn red again. He breathed in and sighed before pulling Belova away and leading her downstairs. The two emerged into the set up laboratory. Pym saw them and walked over to greet Yelena.

Y/N: Yelena, meet my mentor and boss, Dr. Hank Pym. 

The two shook hands in greeting.

Hank: Nice to meet you.

Yelena: So you're the tiny man before him? Impressive.

Hank: Yeah. I just hope this one's right about you. We don't want to attract any unwanted attention, if you can do that.

The blonde woman gave him a surprised face in a joking manner as she appeared stunned.

The blonde woman gave him a surprised face in a joking manner as she appeared stunned

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Yelena: Excuse me. I may not have a shrinking onesie, but what makes you think I can't be discrete?

Hank: The last time you worked with my protege, you broke an inmate out of a Russian prison, buried said prison in a mountain of ice, and blew a billion dollar base out of the sky. 

Ant-Man: The Smallest Avenger (Male Reader Insert)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt