7.3 The Thunderbolts

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Secretary Ross sat in his office on the phone with one of the UN officials. He was reassuring him about the world's safety after the ratification of the Sokovia Accords.

Ross: As I told you before, minister, once the accords are in place, the Avengers will either have to order to the UN or retire... Yes, they will have to give up any and all heroic acts of allowed vigilantism under the new accords... Don't worry, if they do not agree, the United States has a team of enhanced individuals who would gladly follow under the UN's directive... Yes, I hope to see you there too. Goodbye.

Ross hung up the phone and put his face in his hands. This was proving to be more stressful for his weak heart than he had hoped. At that moment, his secretary walked in.

Meredith: Mr. Secretary, sir...

Ross: Ms. Holly. What have you got for me?

The women bit her lip and paused for a moment. She wasn't sure if he'd like the news or not.

Meredith: We have just received word from the Avengers, sir.

Ross: Have they come to a decision on the accords?

Meredith: Yes, sir. They have refused to sign it.

Ross sighed and leaned back in his chair. For as much as he had hoped, he had a feeling this would be the most likely outcome. He contemplated for a moment before sitting back up.

Ross: Alright. Let them be for the time being. But once the accords are ratified, and the UN has made its decision, tell them that they can no longer act as free agents. If they make another turbulent mishap before or especially after the ratification, they will be labeled as criminals and treated as such. 

Meredith: Yes, sir.

Ross: And one more thing. Send word to the Pentagon. Tell them to prepare the task force team. 

Meredith: Yes, sir. On it, sir. 

The Avengers weren't quite sure what to do. They were told that they could no longer act as free agents. And, once the accords were ratified, they would no longer be allowed to perform any acts of vigilantism or act without UN permission. If they were seen in their suits after the ratification process, they would be labeled as criminals. Still, they had a few days where they were allowed to continue using their equipment before the ratification process. 

Y/N was sitting down on the couch in the lounge room with the television on. Yelena was sitting on the other side of the couch, the two lost in thought. Before long, both Peggy and Natasha came in to join them. They sat down in the other chairs in the room. 

Y/N: You know, retirement doesn't sound too bad.

Yelena: Yeah? I guess it wouldn't be awful to have days where we aren't getting shot at.

Y/N: Yeah. And I'm sure I can still help Pym in the lab and not be involved in experiments that involve me actively jumping down a gun barrel. 

Both he and Yelena chuckled a bit at that. They settled down and looked at each other.

Y/N: It'd be nice to have days like this. Not have to worry about the next apocalypse. 

Yelena: Yeah. The simple life.

Peggy gently smiled to herself. Maybe this was finally the sign for her and Steve to settle down.

Peggy: It'd be great. It'd take some getting used to, but we may all enjoy it. Settle down on a farm. Maybe raise a few kids. All that "American dream" stuff they always talk about.

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