Gullible Gems

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Thanks @queen_carol5678 for this dare!! Everyone plz comment if u can! It would mean so much to me if u do! Alright! Lets go!

Dare: have Amethyst prank the Crystal Gems

Amethyst: *runs in room* GUYS LION'S STUCK!!

Steven: NO!!! Lion, we'll save u!! *runs out door*

*others follow*

Garnet: where is he Ameth- *gets tackled by lion*

Lion: *purrs and licks garnet*

Amethyst: HA! Gotcha!! *cackles*

Pearl: AMETHYST!!! You scared Steven!!

Steven: *has tears in eyes*

Amethyst: sorry Steven...


Amethyst: guys I'm sorry about yesterday.

Pearl: thats ok Amethyst, just be careful about what you joke about.

Amethyst: ya, but for real tho there's a huge monster outside

Pearl: WHAT?!

Amethyst: *is already outside to go fight monster*

Everyone but Amethyst: *follows* *sees huge, dark indago, wolf-like monster with tentacles holding amethyst*

Amethyst: GUYS HELP!! IM STUCK!!!

Garnet: hold on Amethyst!! *summons gauntlets* *jumps in air and slams down on head of monster*

Pearl: *summons spear and throws*

*monster turns white and fades into amethyst's arm* *monster turns into amethyst's arm*


Steven: wait, you were the monster?!

Amethyst: sure as heck i was *laughs*

Garnet: Amethyst, this is going too far!

Amethyst: pptt, nah. Cant you take a joke?

Pearl: this was NOT a joke!

Amethyst: calm it P! Its nothing


Amethyst: guys, I'm sorry about yesterday, again. Im gonna try to stop with the pranks. So to make it up to you, i made cookies! *holds put pan of cookies*

Pearl: aww Amethyst, thank you, but you know i don't eat.

Steven: aww cmon Pearl, just one bite!

Pearl: *thinks* that was exactly what Rose said the first time she ate and wanted me to try... *smiles at steven* fine, but just one bite!

*everyone,but amethyst, takes cookie*

Pearl: this tastes good! Oh wait, its spicy.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY MOUTH IS BURNING!!!!!! THIS IS WHY I DONT EAT!!!!!! SPICY!!!!!!!

Steven: AAAAAH!!! ITS HOT!!!!!! DID YOU USE FIRE SALT AMETHYST?!!!!!!!?!!???

Garnet: this isn't spicy. What are you talking about?

Amethyst: *pulls out fire salt* YEAH!!!! You people are too gullible!!!! *cackles*

Pearl and Steven: AMETHYST!!!

I hope you all liked this! Please comment more dares! Bye!

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