Don't Steal Garnet's Glasses

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Thanks @nightcore539 for this dare!
Btw please comment more dares because I'm an unoriginal/stupid person lol

Dare: have Steven take Garnet's glasses

Steven: i wanna steal Garnet's glasses for some odd reason. *walks over to garnet*

Garnet: hello Steven

Steven: hi Garnet! Can you bend over? I need to tell you a secret and you're too tall for me to whisper in your ear.

Garnet: *kneels down and leans toward steven* I'm listening.

Steven: *steals glasses and runs away laughing* *runs outside*

Garnet: Steven! That wasn't nice! Or funny! *chases steven* *three eyes have look of anger in them*

*garnet chases steven across boardwalk and into arcade*

Garnet: *stops suddenly and looks into arcade* *sees meat beat mania* oh no. *walks to meat beat mania* *picks up "meat shakers" and starts game*

Steven: *still laughing and turns around* where's Garnet? *walks around arcade and sees garnet at meat beat mania* oh no! I shouldn't have walked in here. Why am i so stupid!? I don't wanna get in trouble again though. Hmmm... oh! I know! *whistles* Lion!

*lion comes through portal*

Steven: hey Lion! Can you put Garnet on your back?

Lion: *huffs and nods head* *goes between garnets legs and stands, letting her ride on him*

*steven hops on lion behind garnet*

Steven: alright now make a portal and take us back to the house!

*lion roars, makes portal, and runs through* *once on other side, garnet dusts self off and stands up*

Garnet: *summons new glasses* now that was close. And it wasn't nice what you did Steven. You owe me an apology.

Steven: I'm sorry Garnet, but i have a question. How come you were chasing me for your old glasses even though you could summon new ones?

Garnet: to teach you not to steal my glasses

Thank you for reading and once again please give me ideas because I'm part lazy and part uncreative. Bye!

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