Interview: Pokèmon

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Dare: give the gems an interview about what pokèmon i think they would be

Me: so Garnet, i understand you're sort of the leader of the Crystal Gems. How is it like?

Garnet: well its difficult. Amethyst and Pearl always argue and Steven is sort of a mess. Im the calm one so i keep things in order.

Me: interesting. Tell me, have you heard of Pokèmon?

Garnet: i have heard of it but never really saw it. Steven mentioned it a few times.

Me: well in my opinion i would think you would be like a Zoroark if you were a Pokèmon. They are stern and fierce, but can be caring and helpful.

Garnet: but im not a Pokèmon.

Me: no no no! Im not saying you are one. Im saying if you were one then you'd be- ugh whats the point. Thank you Garnet.

Garnet: thanks

Pearl: why are you going to be asking me questions again?

Me: its an interview. I just want to know more about you and ask you questions. So how is it like being part of the Crystal Gems?

Pearl: it's defiantly interesting. Amethyst is a pain in the neck most of the time and is hideously messy. Garnet is a great leader-like figure ever since Rose... And Steven is very excitable and wants to learn all the time. I love it here.

Me: how cute! And have you ever heard of Pokèmon?

Pearl: Pokey-man?

Me: no Pokèmon. Its a TV show and are trading card that you can play a game with and pretend to fight with them. They look like mythical creatures sort of. Like a centipeatle looks a bit like the Pokèmon Scorpion. I think you would be Gardevior if you were a Pokèmon. They are graceful and elegant, but can be... how do you say, touchy?

Pearl: oh... interesting... I guess. Umm... oh! I think i hear Steven calling me. Thank you and goodbye! *walks away muttering "i dont see the point of this generation anymore"*

Me: o-ok? Bye

Me: hello Amethyst. I have a question: what is it like being a Crystal Gem?

Amethyst: ugh its so hard! Pearl and Garnet are always on my back, especially Pearl. But Steven is my little buddy. He knows how to live.

Me: hmm... ok. Have you heard of Pokèmon?

Amethyst: heck yeah! Steven and i battle all the time!

Me: awesome! I think you would be a Pignite. They are messy and outgoing. They love adventure and are easily tempered. What about you?

Amethyst: ehh, i can see that, but maybe also a Tangela. They are messy too.

Me: yeah! I can see that. Alright thats about it. Thank you!

Amethyst: see ya later dude!

That awkward moment when you type Pignuts instead of Pignite.... oops... Alright i hope you enjoyed! This was my idea and I'm not very creative so it would be awesome to give me some ideas in the comments! Thanks and bye!

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