Pearl the Temperatly Cold Kid

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Thanks @Lovely_CreepypastaXx for this dare!! U'll understand the title once u read! Everyone plz comment if u can! It would mean so much to me if u do! Alright! Lets go!

Dare: have Pearl try to hang with the cool kids for a day

Pearl: alright, where are Jamie, Buck, and Sour Cream? I feel like i should get to know them and... maybe, they could get to know me... *sees cool kids and walks over* umm... Hello. I mean, what is up, canine species (its a joke. There will be many so figure it out)? What is happening over in this general area? *is embarrassed and confused about what the frick just happened*

Buck: do we know you?

Pearl: oh well I'm just a friend of Steven's. No large size.

Jenny: why you talkin' like that? Its weird.

Pearl: oh, umm. I thought thats how temperately cold people talked...

Sour Cream: actually i think it makes her sound smart. Thats off the chain dude.

Pearl: yes, i guess it is away from the shackles.

Buck: thats cool yo. Whats your name?

Pearl: my name is Pearl... dude....

Jenny: nice name! Im Jenny, and thats Buck and Sour Cream. Wanna hang with us?

Pearl: sure, i guess i can dangle with you.

Sour Cream: sweet, lets get the car! Road trip!

Pearl: i call firing the weapon!

Jenny: you mean shot gun? Its all yours.

Pearl: thank you, the female species! *gets in car* *buckles seat belt*

Sour Cream: now see? This chic knows how to be safe. Rock on girl! High five! *hold out hand for high five*

Pearl: *pauses* um sure, i will return your tall palm slap. *high fives sour*

Jenny: alright, off we go! *drives to field*

Pearl: ...and then Garnet said "We kept Amethyst!"

*everyone laughes*

Buck: alright. We're here yo. Lets get out.

*everyone gets out*

Pearl: this field is quite large. Should we be dangling here? And there is nothing to dangle from? What is the point of this place?

Sour Cream: its fun. We can throw things, run around, lay out and watch the stars, and yell as loud as we want *yells* BECAUSE WE ARE ALONE!! Hahahahha!!!! I needed that.

Pearl: oh wow. What...entertainment.

Jenny: i heard you were one of those Gem things. Can you do something cool!

Pearl: well i could try. Follow me. *guides everyone to top of large hill* ok watch this. *uses hologram beam as laser to burn own face in grass*

Jenny and Sour Cream: whoa!! Cool!

Buck: thats awesome yo. You're cool. Can you do me?

Pearl: *blushes and smiles* oh i don't see why not! *burns all faces in grass* perfect! How do you like it fellows?

Jenny: oh my gosh! Thats amazing!

Sour Cream: epic dude!

Buck: so cool. Lets take a selfie with it. *takes out phone for selfie*

*everyone joins but pearl*

Jenny: c'mon Pearl! You're our friend! Come in this!

Pearl: *blushes and grins* really? Thank you! *goes over to cool kids* thank you for letting me be a part of your herd!

*everyone laughs and takes selfie*

Thanks for reading. I thought this was hilarious and rlly cute! In case u didn't get the jokes, here r the answers:
"What is up, canine species?" = "What's up, dog?"
"What is happening over in this general area?" = "What's happening over here?"
"No large size." = "No biggy."
"Temperately cold people." = "Cool people."
"Away from the shackles." = "Off the chain."
"Dangle with you." = "Hang with you."
"I call firing the weapon!" = "I call shot gun!"
"Thank you, the female species!" = "Thanks girl!"
"Tall palm slap." = "High five."
"Fellows?" = "Guys?"
"Herd!" = "Group!"
I hope that helped! Please comment more dares! Bye!

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