"Say Uncle" Aftermath

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Thanks to bobbysnapp2004 for this dare! Lets go!
Dare: have Steven, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl battle Uncle Grandpa, Mr. Gus, Pizza Steve, and Giant Realistic Flying Tiger (that hurt my fingers typing it)

*dramatic zoom in of an overhead shot of the crystal gems and uncle g's crew*


Uncle G: woah Pizza Steve. Calm down. It seems like u put on spicy pepperoni today. Its making u burn with rage.

Pearl: (histarically) the talking cheesy triangle is heheh... telling Steven something. Isn't that funny Garnet?! Heheheheheh.

Garnet: calm down Pearl. We just need to get them to go away. They tried to kill Steven.

Amethyst: i agree actually. And i thought i ate that pizza guy.

Mr G: we have a whole fridge full of Pizza Steves. U don't know how many times Tiger eats him when she's hangry.

Tiger: *shrugs*

Pearl: they are all freakish monsters!! Destroy them!!!

Steven: Pearl no! Uncle Grandpa's my friend!

Amethyst: he tried to kill you man. We cant just not kill them. *summons wip*

Garnet and Pearl: *summons gauntlets and spear*

Tiger: *farts rainbows*

Mr G: *breathes fire*

Pizza S: *brings put motorcycle*

Bellybag: *gives uncle g bazooka gun*

Steven: well i guess i cant stop you now.

Pearl: I'm taking the lizard guy

Garnet: I'm taking Greg's father and brother

Uncle G: I'm Uncle Grandpa

Garnet: ...right...

Amethyst: i guess i get the tiger thing

Pizza S: I'm taking Steven and showing the world that Pizza Steve is the only Steve aloud!

Garnet: alright then. GO!

*dramatic jumping at each other in slow motion thing*

Garnet and Uncle G POV: *uncle g shoots rocket from bazooka. garnet catches it and throws back at uncle g. uncle g jumps high in air and lands on garnets back. they struggle but garnet grabs uncle g's leg and flings into ocean* GARNET WINS

Amethyst and Tiger POV: *tiger farts rainbow blasts at amethyst. amethyst dodges and wips tiger in process. tiger flies on cloud high in air and blasts mega rainbow. amethyst gets hit and is flung high in air. lands hard on sand. struggles to get up as tiger lands. amethyst wraps tiger's legs with wip and trips her. quickly ties tiger up* AMETHYST WINS

Pearl and Mr G POV: *pearl throws spears at mr g who burns them. pearl shoots blasts of light blue light. mr g gets shot but nothing happens because scales are too thick. pearl blasts beam from spear as mr g blasts fire beam. both beams touch and make explosion. once smoke cleared pearl quickly snagged mr g's tank top with spear* PEARL WINS

Steven and Pizza S POV: *pizza s drives motorcycle towards steven. steven screams in fear and summons shield which break motorcycle on impact*

Crystal Gems: Steven! Your shield!

Steven: *opens eyes and looks down* oh my gosh! My shield

Uncle G: well i guess our work here is done.

*mr g and tiger break out of traps and walk over to crystal gems and uncle g*

Pizza S: AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!! *runs at steven and hits legs. tickles steven because pizza s is so small*

Steven: hey! Stop it! Hahahaha! *kicks away pizza s*

Pearl: what job?

Uncle G: well i came here to help Steven summon his shield. I don't know why Mr Gus and them are here for though.

Mr G: we wanted to help.

Pizza S: i wanted revenge! There can only be one Steve!

Amethyst: i have been meaning to do this. *eats pizza s*

Bellybag: oh boy. Another one eaten.

Uncle G: well we should go now. Good morning! *farts light beam up to floating mini van. mini van flies off to nowhere*

Mr G: ugh. He forgot us again. Come on Tiger we gotta follow him. *grabs pizza s and hops on tiger. flies off in direction of uncle g*

Garnet: well that was an adventure

Pearl, Amethyst, Steven: .....yeah

Thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed! Sorry its so long again. Please comment on what other dares you want the Steven Universe characters to do. Btw, i don't like Uncle Grandpa. I have seen a few episodes though. I wouldn't have done this dare if there weren't a crossover between the shows (Say Uncle). So ya. Thank again and please comment more dares! Also, i apparently got 100 reads already and I'm so happy! I thought this book would be a book that didn't matter or whatever but thank you for reading it! Ok now ill stop talking.

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