Pearl's Pie

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Thanks @justanotherfobfan for this idea!

Dare: have Steven force Pearl to eat pie

Pearl: so why did you bring me to the kitchen?

Steven: i wanted you to try... THIS! *brings out pie*

Pearl: oh no Steven. No way! I don't like eating, its disgusting. The way the mush slides down tour throat and into your stomach just to have it leave? *shivers*

Steven: but you said you like pie!

Pearl: no no no Steven. I like the process of pie, not eating the pie itself.

Steven: cmon, just one bite!

Pearl: no! *crosses arms*

Steven: *puts some pie on fork* *shoves it in pearl's mouth*

Pearl: *gags but swallows* *shivers* that was.... horrible. But i must say it tasted good. I would eat the rest, but i hate the feeling of eating. Except, what if the pie is worth the uncomfortableness... may i have another bite?

Steven: *eyes widen* *hands over pie*

Pearl: *takes bite of pie* *swallows and shivers* this is a weird experience... I think I'm done Steven. Thank you for showing me to try new things though, that i hopefully wont do again. Have a good day Steven...

Steven: hmmm... I wonder if Pearl will ever eat the rest of that pie... I'll put it in the fridge just in case.

*later that night*

Steven: *is in bed sleeping* *wakes up when light shines in room* *looks over at kitchen to see someone in fridge* Amethyst? Is that you?

*pearl turns to face steven from fridge with pie all over fave*

Pearl: S-s-steven!


Pearl: *cleans face* no i don't like pie. I love pie! It is the only food i like though. It just tastes so good!

Steven: thats a lie! If you only like pie then why did you replicate my Cookie Cats? (reference to the first dare of the book)

Pearl: ..........

Thanks for reading! Please comment more ideas! I need them. Like seriously. Bye!

Steven Universe DaresDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora