Oreos and Pizza

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Dare: have Steven give Greg Oreos with toothpaste instead of icing in the middle

Steven: hi dad!

Greg: hi Steven! What is that you're holding?

Steven: oh nothing... just some OREOS!

Greg: oh yum! I love Oreos! *takes one* *eats* *makes disgusted face* *mouth full* what are in these cookies?

Steven: toothpaste! Gotcha! *laughs*

Greg: *spits oreo out of mouth* come here you! *grabs steven and messes up hair* well why would you prank your old dad?

Steven: because its funny! I gave some to Amethyst, but she just ate them all. You had the best reaction!

Greg: haha! Well you git me alright! Hey i ordered pizza, you want some? *pulls out pizza box with three pieces missing* i had some already.

Steven: *takes a piece* *eats* *spits out pizza* eww! What's in this?!

Greg: the cheese is cream cheese icing! I was gonna prank you today, but i guess its payback now!

*both laugh*

Steven: *hugs dad* i love you dad!

Greg: *hugs back* love you too son.

Thanks for reading! This was my idea and i need more so comment any dares you want me to write about. Btw check out my other book She Is Here. Its a Steven Universe fan-fiction and it really isn't off to a good start viewing wise. It would mean a lot. Ok bye!

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