Jaspidot Part 2

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This is part 2! I hope u enjoy! Thats my gemsona up there ^^ and why she is there will be explained later. Please comment more ideas! Lets go! (remember that Jasper and Peridot r still switched)

*everyone in ship*

Pearl: so why do you need us to help you switch back? Isnt the machine in your reach?

Peridot: well it broke when we touched it and Jasper over there doesnt know how to work my fingers to hold the tools!

Jasper: well its not my fault your fingers are flimsey!

Peridot: ya it is! You were the one who cut them off! You hit me with that dumb disabilizer on my hands and when i regenerated my fingers were all floaty!

Jasper: you were the one looking at my internet history! NO ONE LOOKS AT THAT!!! ITS TOO EMBARRASSING!!

Crystal Gems and Lapis: ...

Steven: thats enough you guys! We came here to fix you! Not to hear you argue! Now who's driving the ship?

Peridot: its on auto-pilot

Garnet: we're here!

Amethyst: THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!! SQUEEEEEE *grabs steven's wrist and jumps off ship onto floor*

Crystal Gems: whoa

(Im going to describe this in regular story mode so bare with me)

Everywhere they looked it was tall, tan, high-tech building after building. There were different colored flying spherical machines that was like the flying cars of the future for Gems. The flying machines were colored the same as the Gems inside it. There were bright lights shining through the windows of the sky-scrapers. The sky looked like space with a tint of red near the horizon. There was a large, see-through dome around the huge city, keeping the residents of the city inside the borders. The city was filled with loud, weird, mechanical noises and the whirring of nearby machines.

(ok im done with the details. Carry on reading if u please)

Pearl: Homeworld is much more... upgraded than last time we were here...

*flying machine zooms past*

Steven: WOAH!! What was that?!

Jasper: thats a hover bot. That one happened to be the latest addition.

Amethyst: guys this place is so cool! Why didnt we come here earilier?!

Garnet: because we are shunned by the Diamond Authority and their followers from the Rebellion. I doubt anyone will be happy to see us-

???: Garnet?! Is that u dear?

Garnet: Aventurine?! *runs to aventurine (Aventurine looks like pic above ^^)

Pearl: Aventurine! Its so great to see you! How's Jade and Dumortierite?

Aventurine: oh hi Pearl! They're great! But why are you all here?

Amethyst: these two dumbies here *points to peridot and jasper* switched bodies then broke the machine that switched them. We came to fix it.

Aventurine: oh well you know them! So how's Rose? Where is she? And who's that? *looks at steven*

Everyone but Aventurine: *looks at each other*

Pearl: Rose.... is no longer.. with us...

Aventurine: w-what do you mean?

Garnet: she fell in love with a human and had to give up her physical form to give birth to Steven who is this little guy right here. *ruffs up steven's hair*

Aventurine: oh im so sorry! I didnt know!

Amethyst: no its fine. Its in the past...

Steven: who's Jade and Dumortierite?

Aventurine: oh im a fusion. Jade and Dumortierite are within me as Ruby and Sapphire are in Garnet. I was Sapphire's guardian for a while and then Sapphire met Ruby. They become very very close. Then one night i showed them that i was a fusion and they wanted to fuse to they can be together forever. And here we are today!

Steven: so you taught Garnet about fusion? Cool!

Aventurine: yes i did. Can i come to help you guys?

Pearl: of course, old-friend!

*everyone goes to peridot's lab*

Steven: this lab is huge!

Peridot: it holds all of my inventions. I created the hover bot and create most of Homeworld's supplies. Im their main scientist. Im trying to create a time travel machine and im very close. But we're getting off topic. Here's the mind switcher. Can you fix it?

Pearl: i can! *starts fixing machine*

Steven: how did you know my mom, Aventurine?

Aventurine: i heard beforehand that the Diamond Authority was going to attack the Crystal Gems so i came to Earth and warned her. We were friends before that though. We met on Earth in the year 1647 i think it was. I was friends with a nice man and he knew your mother so he introduced us, knowing we were Gems.

Steven: what was his name?

Aventurine: i remember it being something like, Scott Universe i think.

Steven: Universe is my last name too!!

Aventurine: oh is it now! What a coincidence! Sapphire was right, Scott would continue his family tree!

Steven: Sapphire? How'd she know?

Aventurine: well she has future vision. I asked how the future would be for him and she said it looked bright. That he would have children and his children would have children and so on. Im happy you're here with us Steven!

Pearl: i fixed it! Come here Jasper and Peridot. Now touch it at the exact same time and no one else touch it please!

Peridot and Jasper: *touches machine and switches bodies back to normal*

Peridot: oh thank you Pearl! Jasper body reeks of wet toxicorg!

Steven: toxicorg?

Jasper: its an creature here on Homeworld that Gems keep as companions, like a dog. But thanks Pearl, i guess. *crosses arms*

Garnet: we better leave. I can sense Yellow Diamond.

Aventurine: good bye Garnet dear. Will you come back?

Garnet: i'll try. *hugs aventurine* im gonna miss you

Aventurine: i'll miss you too. You'd better get going! Dont want that Yellow Diamond to come?

Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, and Steven: bye!

I hope u enjoyed! Please comment more dares! And comment "Aventurine" if you want her to be in more dares! Bye!

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