Ruby the Cereal Killer

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Dare: have Amethyst spy on Garnet alone in her room

*amethyst pops head through hole in ceiling*
*sees garnet sitting on floor criss-cross-applesauce style*

Garnet: alright. Here we go.

*unfuses into ruby an sapphire*
*ruby sits same as garnet while sapphire sits with legs to the side because of her dress*
*sits across from each other, staring*

Ruby: okay, i'll start this time.

Sapphire: no, i dont have a good question for you. I will start.

Ruby: no! But you started last time!

Sapphire: *sighs* fine. Truth or dare?

Ruby: hmmm... dare

Sapphire: okay... i dare you to... go up to Pearl and spill something right in front of her!

Ruby: oh no way! This is gonna be hilarious!

*amethyst quickly hides as ruby and sapphire walk out of room*
*follows two girls*

Ruby: hey Pearl, can you help me reach the cereal in the top cabinate? Im too short.

Pearl: well of course Ruby. Where's Sapphire?

Ruby: she's waiting for me to bring the cereal. She was hungry. I thought i could do her a favor.

Pearl: aww how sweet! *grabs cereal* *hands to ruby* there you go!

Ruby: thanks! *dumps whole box of cereal on floor* *laughs and runs away*

Pearl: RUBY GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT! PICK THIS UP! DO YOU REALIZE HOW MESSY THIS IS?! *chases after ruby who runs into room*
*door closes behind ruby just as pearl reaches it*


Amethyst: *cackles* i was there the whole time! Sapphire dared Ruby to tick you off! *laughs harder*

*garnets door opens to reveal refused garnet*

Garnet: *smirks* i heard everything.

*pearl shrinks*
*amethyst freezes*

Garnet: who's in trouble now?

Thank you for reading! This was my idea and i need more to keep this book going so please give me some in the comments! Goodbye!

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