Steven and Connie's Night Out

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Thanks @jgboy2 and @diamondsnow7 for this dare!! They commented very similar things so i mixed them together. I hope u dont mind! Everyone plz comment if u can! It would mean so much to me if u do! Alright! Lets go!

Dare (jgboy2): have Steven ask Connie out (diamondsnow7) and have them kiss

Connie: *walks to shore of beach where steven waits* *sits next to steven* hey Steven, what did you want to talk about?

Steven: well, umm, i was wondering if you'd, uh-ummm, like to watch Dogcopter 4 with me?

Connie: oh i'd love to Steven!

Steven: o-ok awesome! And, uh, afterwards we could have a sleepover?

Connie: i'd love to! Let me just call my mom first. *calls and talks to mom* she says its fine. Cmon! We're gonna miss the movie!

*goes to movie*

Connie: these are great seats!

Steven: ya! And its in 3D! FOR MAXIMUM EPICNESS!!! thinks- ok. This needs to be perfect. Im finally going to make a move on Connie. Stay calm Steven. Stay calm...

*halfway through movie*

Connie: can you pass the popcorn?

Steven: oh sure, here. *passes popcorn*
*slowly moves arm to go around connie's back* *thinks twice and brings arm back*

Connie: *grabs steven's arm and puts around her* is this what you meant to do?

Steven: *blushes, smiles, and giggles embarrassingly* umm well uh ya...

Connie: you dont have to be scared around me.

*movie ends* *walks back to steven's house* *makes smores and plays mario kart*

Steven: aww you beat me again! I thought you said you didnt play!

Connie: well, my cousin has this game and i play it with him sometimes

Steven: aww you lied!

Connie: well i didnt want you play to difficult!

*both laugh*


Steven: *plays one of greg's cds* come on Connie! Dance with me?

Connie: *smiles and grabs steven's hand*

*both spin each other around* *does little random dances*

Steven: *trips and falls in connie's arms (again)*


Connie: *leans in and kisses steven on lips*

Steven: *opens eyes wide in surprise, but lets it be and returns kiss*

*bright pink light glows around the kids* *stevonnie appears*

Stevonnie: whoa...

Stevonnie Steven side: you-you kissed me?

Stevonnie Connie side: well i guess thought- i mean i just- ya...

Stevonnie Steven side: no no! Its ok! I-i think i enjoyed it...

Stevonnie Connie side: oh ok then. Sorry i guess thought it was just the right time

Stevonnie: *blushes hard*

Stevonnie Steven side: so what now...

Stevonnie Connie side: i don't know...


Steven: why did you kiss me?

Connie: well it just seemed like the perfect time... and i guess i- i sort of, um, like you?

Steven: i like you too

Connie: like, like-like me?

Steven: uh ya... do you... like-like me?

Connie: yes

*awkward silence*

Connie: oh boy, if my parents find out, they'll flip!

Steven: and i don't know what the Gems will think...

Connie: well then... I guess it'll just have to be our little secret... *kisses steven on the lips again*

Steven: *returns* *stops kiss* its getting late, should we go to bed?

Connie: doesn't matter... why don't we watch the 5th Lonely Blade movie?

Steven: ok!

*runs up to steven's room and watches movie*

I hope you enjoyed! I loved making this! Steven x Connie is one of my OTPs! And a little fact for you, Zach Callison, the voice of Steven, said himself that Steven and Connie was his OTP and he hopes they end up as a couple or with some romantic thing. Please comment more dares! It means so much to me! Bye!

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