Amethyst's and Pearl's Rooms

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Thanks @nightcore539 for this idea! Please comment more ideas readers!

Dare: have Steven clean up Amethyst's room and mess up Pearl's

Steven: *tip-toes into amethyst's room* *gasps when sees mess*
tsk tsk. Amethyst needs to take better care of herself. I mean, I'm messy, but not like this...
*starts picking up random items*
*sees wardobe*
aha! I'll just put all these random items in there!
*opens wardrobe*
*is amazed that inside is much larger than outside*
*puts everything in there*
ok, now i need to hide the closet thing. Hmmmm... Oh i see a hole!
*runs over to hole in floor*
*runs back to wadrobe*
how will i move this?
*tries lifting but wont budge*
*snaps fingers*
I know!
*makes pink bubble around wardrobe*
*makes bubble float and carries over to hole*
*drops wardrobe in hole*
I need to cover this...
*kicks dirt over it*
There! Ok now for Pearl

Steven: *walks out of amethyst's now clean room and walks into pearl's soon to be messy room*

Steven: ok. There's really nothing to mess up here... Oh wait! Steven don't be stupid. Use Amethyst's items! Dump her things in here, duh!
*runs back to amethyst's room and bubbles wardrobe again*
*brings wardrobe into pearl's room*
*dumps everything onto all water platforms*
Perfecto! I need to leave quickly!
*runs and jumps onto bed*

*amethyst and pearl walk into house*

Anethyst: hey Steven! Whats up! Didn't get into much trouble did you?

Steven: nope! *snickers*

Amethyst: pptt! Yeah right! Whatever. Im going to my room. See ya later Steven!

Pearl: hello Steven, I'm making lunch. I need to put something in my room first.

Amethyst: Pearl's cooking? Eww! Prepare yourselves taste buds!

Pearl: Amethyst!

*amethyst and pearl walk into rooms*

Amethyst and Pearl: STEVEN!!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY ROOM?!?!?!?


Thanks for reading! Please comment more dares! Bye!

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