"Pleaseeeeee" the boy begged.

"Dae, your parents will miss you."

"No they won't. Please, I'll be so good."

"What movie do you guys want to watch?"

Dae pouted going back over to his bed and João copied him.

"Hello" When they ignored her Jamie took the remote and turned it off.

"Heyy!" The boys looked at Jamie.

"The next time she asks you two a question don't ignore her. Now goodnight, it's bedtime."

"But papa-"

"Come give me a hug and kiss and lay down" João dragged his feet over to Jamie and gave him a hug and kiss.

"Goodnight, Mimmo. I love you"

"Love you too"

Jamie didn't expect Dae to be standing right behind João expecting the same.

"Goodnight Mimmo"

"My name is Dae, Uncle."

"Well I'll call you mimmo" This seemed to excite Dae.

"Okay Mr.Uncle. Goodnight." He crawled under blankets and laid down.

The boys played in their fort until they were both too tired and fell asleep. This time Amina turned off the light so they would be too afraid to go back in the kitchen.

"Joey, Dae, are you boys hungry?" She checked and saw they were sleep, she left it alone and laid down.


Amina spent the morning cleaning up after the boys. She put all his toys back into the chest and pushed it against the wall. She began folding up the extra sheets and blankets but let the boys sleep. That was until she noticed the faint smell of urine when she walked past them.



"Você fez xixi?"


"Você fez xixi?"


"I think you did, baby. Maybe you had too much to drink before bed."

"I didn't mommy" She felt his thighs and bum and he was indeed wet.

"Come, you need a bath"

"I didn't wet the bed!"

"No need to get so upset. It was an accident, you're not in trouble." She took him upstairs and washed her hands. As she set his bath she noticed his glassy eyes.

"There's no need to cry, baby bear. Mommy's not upset."

"But I didn't do it!"


"Why don't you believe me?"

"I believe you"

"No you don't." He sat in the tub with his back towards her so she knew he was upset with her. She left him and went to wake Daejung up.

She was surprised to see that the bed was already stripped.


"Yes Auntie"

"What are you doing?" She asked when she saw him standing on a chair at the sink washing the bedsheets.

"Um. . . I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I had an accident." He spoke quietly. She noticed that the usually bubbly boy was rather timid.

Her Boys [Oneshots]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora