Daejung [2]

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"It's not that spicy" Daejung teased João when he made a face and fanned his mouth after eating a clove of garlic.

"I'll give you something spicy. Or will you chicken out?"

"Nothing in your fridge is spicier than my Umma's Kimchi."

"Here Dae, this is the spiciest pepper in the universe. The whole entire world. You can't eat this-" João ate his words when Daejung snatched the pepper and popped the whole thing in his mouth.

"Wowww!" Seconds later he regretted his actions he began to jump around fanning his mouth as tears sprung into his eyes.

"Taste good?" João asked, confused by his behavior. He climbed onto the counter and turned on the tap, he stuck his tongue under the water trying to cool his mouth.

"Maybe you want some of Samira's milk?" He got the strawberry ensure and opened it offering it to his friend. Daejung guzzled the shake but continued fanning his mouth.

"Is it bad?" He nodded

"Should I wake mama up?" When he nodded again João left the kitchen but came back.

"We're going to get in trouble and she might spank me for playing with food, okay?" Daejung nodded, pushing him away.

When he saw that Amina was knocked out he decided to go get his dad. He didn't want to bother her.


"Daddy! Wake up!"

"What? What happened?"

"Me and Dae were bored and Mama was sleeping so then. . . Um then. . . Uh"

"What happened?"

"Don't scream at me!"

"I'm not screaming, João. I'm worried. Is it an emergency?"

"Yes. I gave Dae a bell pepper and now it's too spicy and he's crying. We need help." Jamie tucked a blanket around Samira so she didn't fall off the bed.

"Hurry daddy!"

"I'm coming"

By the time Jamie got downstairs, Amina was already tending to Daejung.

"I'm sorry Dae"


"What were you two doing?"

"Giving each other foods to see who was too chicken to eat what the other person gave." Amina looked at her husband, she could help but smile.

"Please don't be upset with me mama. We ate everything, we won't do it again." João apologized anxiously. He didn't want to be punished in front of his friend.

"It's okay, baby. You're not in trouble. I'm just asking that you guys do these things when we're up to watch. Is that fair?" She asked helping Daejung off the counter

"Uh huh, uh huh" He took the icee and nodded running back to his fort.

"Can I have-" She was already unwrapping one for him as well.

"Thank you mommy. You're the best!"

"I should kill him"

"What did he do?"

"Skipped over you to me. Now I'm up and my baby is upstairs unsupervised."

"Stop being a stick in the mud. I'm about to put them to bed, hopefully they sleep well and give me a couple of hours. They're so busy."



"Can Dae stay forever?"


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