Flew Too Close to the Sun

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However, Eben isn't ready to give up yet. He glows with a golden aura as he infuses vitality into his steed. Adder tenses as Fairy takes on a glistening amethyst hue and streaks down the road with supernatural intensity, leaving Fern and Daisy in the dust.

Just as the sun has started to kiss the horizon, they arrive at the tall walls surrounding Adder's home. Fairy yelps as Eben yanks on the reins, causing her to skid to a halt, nearly tipping over the caravan.

"Adder, get him out!"

Quickly, Adder follows the command. He carries Zarek with haste to his home, finding a startled Helia at the entrance.

"Adder, Eben, you're back—"

"Did you bring the healer?"

"Yes, I got your letter. He's inside."

Adder brushes past her, finding both Edmund and Basil sitting at the short table. Basil's eyes go wide as he takes in the state of Zarek.

"Gods—you didn't say it was so bad!"

"We didn't know," Adder says, placing Zarek down by the fireplace.

Basil rushes over, already carrying an assortment of vials and bottles in his arms. He pushes a mortar and pestle into Edmund's hands.

"What am I meant to do with this?" he complains.

"Grind the fireflower while I remove the wrappings. We'll have to burn this curse out of him."

"Is he going to make it?" Adder asks.

"I don't know. I'm going to try my best."

Adder listens as Basil carefully tends to Zarek's wounds. As the wrappings are removed, he carefully takes the glistening red fireflower dust and mixes it with a glimmering blue potion. The result is a vibrant neon purple slurry which he immediately drips into the dark wound on Zarek's chest.

The reaction is immediate. Zarek opens his eyes with a gasp, crying out in pain. He thrashes, hands attempting to scratch away at the medicine.

"Stop! Edmund, hold him down!"

Edmund does as he's told for once, pushing Zarek to the ground. Basil leans over, eyes widening as he examines the gruesome sight of Zarek's wound. The black seems to consume the purple potion, expanding like a thunderstorm rolls over a forest.

"Is it me, or did it just get worse?" Edmund asks.

"It did. This isn't an ordinary curse."

Zarek groans, eyes fluttering rapidly. "Where am I?"

"You're in Nǣdre Tor. You've been grievously wounded. Do you remember the color of the sword that pierced you?"

"I'm going to die, aren't I?"

"No, you won't. I'm going to help you. Now focus!"

Zarek thrashes, eyes wild. "You're lying! They always lie!"

"He's delusional—"

"I remember a dead man with a sword nearby when we found him. The sword was red-hued," Eben chimes in.

"Then this is dark magic indeed, intended to corrupt the covenant between a man and God. Zarek, who is your God?"

Zarek gasps, chest heaving. "Ruse—a Ruse—"

"We aren't trying to deceive you, you're sick!"

"He's a priest for a new God, Epistemeus," says Adder.

"Listen to me, Zarek. This curse corrupts any magical essence it comes into contact with. You need to pray to your lord and tell him he is hurting you the more he tries to help you heal. Do you understand? You have to fight this off without any magic"

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