Chapter 27: Davina

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Running down the long stretch of the labyrinth, I recite Desmond's instructions over and over again in my head. Two lefts, three right, take the middle path, and then take another left and I'll reach the end of the labyrinth. I wish I could help Desmond, but the best thing I can do is get some help. I just hope Desmond will be alright.

Taking the second left, I continue running. It's quiet now, with only the wind blowing the leaves around me. Taking the first right, I continue running. Taking the second and third right, I see a large clearing. I gasp and come to a halt when I see one of the beasts standing at the front of the path I need to take. Oh great! He grins.

"King Desmond must think he's very clever," The beast says and begins to stalk towards me. I pull out my daggers. "What he didn't know is that both of us have a keen sense of that of any animal. You weren't too difficult to find."

Awesome. Just the situation I wanted to be in. His claws scrap along the ground as he stalks towards me.

"Now, put down the daggers," he says. "You might hurt someone with those."

He laughs and I scowl. The wolf was a bit smaller than this guy. Which is just great. I don't think my daggers are going to do much. But I might be able to weaken him to where I can escape and get help.

He lunges at me. I scream and duck out of the way. Landing on the ground, I scramble to my feet. Seeing that the way out that I need is open, I rush towards it. He jumps in front of me though, blocking me.

"There's no escaping for you," he says, and begins to stalk towards me. "Neither you, nor King Desmond is leaving. Except with us to Samael."

Charging towards me, I duck and slice him across the leg. He roars in pain before turning a dark look on me.

"That wasn't very smart," he snarls and lunges towards me. I duck out of the way and lunge towards him. He hits me though, sending me flying back. I land on the ground. Ow. That didn't work how I wanted it to.

Getting to my feet, he laughs.

"What were you hoping to do with that?" he asks. We circle each other and I see that I'm right in front of the other way out.

"Welp, this has been fun, but I really need to be going," I say and turn, booking it. I sheath my daggers. He roars in anger and I hear him chasing after me. One more path left to take and then I'll be at the castle.

Reaching another clearing, I attempt to take a right when suddenly, I'm tackled to the ground. I gasp and the beast pins me down, one hand pressed against my chest. I struggle and squirm. He begins to press his claws ever so slightly into me. I gasp and cry out as the pain increases. He grins.

Suddenly, he roars in pain and lets me go. I scramble away and see the dagger sticking out of his side. Heart thudding, I see Desmond run towards me.

"Are you hurt?" he asks. I shake my head and he helps me to my feet. The beast growls and rips the dagger out of his side. He growls and begins to stalk towards us.

"I intend to make both of you suffer," he snarls. He lunges towards us, and we separate in two different directions. Heart pounding, Desmond pulls out his sword.

"Run!" he screams and I turn, heading towards the final stretch. Suddenly, the beast jumps in front of me. I gasp and back away quickly. He lunges towards me and I duck out of the way. I see Desmond rushing towards him. The beast turns and lunges towards Desmond. Desmond gasps as the beast lands on him and knocks his sword out of his hand when Desmond tries to use it.

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now