Chapter 8: Desmond

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Slashing my sword through the dummies, half of the dummy falls to the ground with a thump. Breathing fast, I feel sweat sliding down my forehead and chest. My hair sticks to my forehead and the back of my neck. Slipping my sword into its sheath, I grab my towel and wipe my brow.

The world begins to darken and I see the sun setting in the distance, bathing the world in purples, oranges, and pinks. Probably going to be about dinnertime. Looking around at the training area, I see that the targets have arrows stuck in them, half the training dummies have been sliced in half, and the tables have been moved. I better clean up before heading back inside.

Setting my towel down, I walk over to targets and carefully pull the arrows out. A cool breeze blows past me and I sigh. Today's work was a lot. Two piles of paperwork, three meetings, and my annual ride through town. And no progress on figuring out a way to take down Samael. I wonder if Davina is having any luck from her side. Miranda did say she was going to be taking Davina around the castle today. She might not have had time to do any research today.

Pushing the tables back, I grab some of the dummies and place them in the shed. I'll need to get some more. I'll just add that onto the checklist of things that I need to do.

I finish cleaning up, closing the shed door behind me. I hear rustling coming from the forest and sharply turn to it. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves and bushes. Eyes narrowing, I scan the forest. I see nothing though.

Sighing, I rub my eyes. Must be hearing things. The stress is probably getting to me. I'll head off to bed early tonight so I can have more time to do stuff tomorrow.

Heading back towards the castle, I step inside and close the doors behind me. Walking down the hallway, I head up a flight of stairs and open the doors to my room. Stepping inside, I close the doors behind me. Turning on a couple lights, I take off my sword and set it aside.

Grabbing a clean linen shirt and pants, I head into my bathroom. Starting up a bath, I take it quickly before drying off and changing. Brushing my hair, I turn out the lights and head out of my room. My stomach growls and I head down the hallway towards the dining room.

The guards bow to me as I enter. Seeing my siblings, I smile and walk over to the head of the table. Sitting down, the servers bring food forward and begin to serve us. Once they are finished, they exit and we begin to eat.

Taking a bite of my ham, I turn to the others.

"What did you all do today?" I ask.

Hazel's head pops up first and I give an amused smile. Leave it to Hazel to always be the first to share.

"Well, I did some work, and then I went outside and did some archery," she explains. "I ran into Miranda and Davina and we had lunch. I finished showing Davina around and we spent a couple hours together in my room where I showed her how to make some jewelry."

I smile.

"Where is Davina anyways?" I ask.

"Last time I saw her, she was heading off to the library," she says. "I haven't seen her since."

I hope Miranda is able to find her. Davina may not know how to navigate the castle very well.

"How about you, Matthius?" I ask and he looks up from his book.

"Did some work," he says. "Did some more language practice. Saw Hazel and Davina in the library earlier. She asked for some help in finding a book on magical artifacts."

I nod. That would be a good start for her.

"I intend to look into finding the book," he continues. "I don't remember where in the library it is, but once I find it I'll make sure to give it to her."

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