Chapter 10: Desmond

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(Warning: Some Gore and Blood)

Eating breakfast the next morning with Princess Eloise, she's been talking nonstop to me. Taking another bite of my food, I nod and swallow. Sunlight beams in through the open windows across the long stretch of table. My siblings have already eaten and are off doing their tasks for the day. And now I was stuck with Eloise.

When I had first met her, I thought she was someone I could rule alongside. To love and cherish. However, given the suggestions she had for my kingdom, I could tell that the kingdom was not her strongest priority, not did she have the people's best interests in mind. Thankfully I had never expressed my thoughts aloud. Might have made things worse.

I have no doubts that she's back in order to win me over. However, given what she has suggested so far, I'd say that her plan isn't working all that well.

"Perhaps my seamstress can come and help out your servants," Eloise suggests. "I mean, she's had years of experience and could help to train some new ones."

"I'll take it up with my advisor and-" I start.

"Oh, and perhaps I can help in hiring some more hands for your kitchen," she continues, cutting me off.

"I usually tend to leave the decisions up to-" I begin again but she quickly interjects.

"There's also the issue of some of your castle staff having attitude problems," she says. "For instance, yesterday I encountered a young woman with quite the attitude."

I arch a brow at her.

"Who?" I ask and take another bite of my food. No doubt whoever this servant is accidentally let something slip or perhaps didn't heed Eloise's wishes right away.

"Some woman named Davina," she says, and I nearly choke on my eggs. "The nerve. Not only did she address me incorrectly, she didn't bow. And even talked back to me."

I lower my fork. No doubt Davina probably ran into this woman yesterday and had asked who she was. She can hardly be blamed though since she has never been here before. Even if she was from here, Eloise isn't really that big of a royal.

"I would suggest you talk to her," Eloise says. "Teach her some manners."

"I have other matters to attend to," I say, finishing my food. "Besides, she's never been here before. So, I doubt she would know who you are."

She narrows her eyes at me. I had not meant to let that slip out.

"She's from another land," I explain quickly. "Her home was attacked, and she ended up here. She was injured in the ensuing attack, so I offered to allow her to stay until whatever was happening in her land was resolved."

She nods and finishes her food.

"Shall we walk around the garden this morning?" she asks. "The flowers will no doubt look lovely this morning."

I shake my head.

"I can't," I say, and she frowns. "I have to do my daily outing into the village. I'll be back in a few hours."

"Why do you insist on going into the village every day?" she asks. "Don't you have anything better to do."

I frown and shake my head. Picking up my plate, I push in my chair and quickly exit the room. Taking my plate to the kitchen, I see the kitchen hands at work. I smile when I see a young boy, probably around 7, trying to reach a pot on the top shelf.

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن