Chapter 25: Davina

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Working late, I manage to finish up Hazel's dress before moving on to Matthius and Leos. I just hope they like them. Hearing a knock, I turn and head towards the door. Opening it, I stall when I see Arabella.

"May I help you?" I ask.

"I wanted to apologize for my attitude," she says and I let her in. "I was wrong to speak so harshly to you."

She looks and sounds sincere. I smile.

"It's alright," I say. "I get it."

She beams.

"Oh, thank you," she says, clasping her hands together.

We stand there in silence.

"Is there some other reason you came here?" I ask.

"Oh! Yes," she says. "I was wondering if you would like to come and work for me. I could always use more seamstresses. And you would get paid."

Getting paid sounded good. But working as a seamstress for the castle sounded restraining. However, I do need money if anything happens. I would need to ponder this.

"I'll consider it," I say, and she gives a strained smile.

"Very well," she says. "I need to be heading home. But if you come to a decision, please let me know."

I nod and she turns, walking out of my room. Before I can close the door, I see Leo coming down the hall. He sees me and I see his expression turn frosty. I blink in surprise.

"What?" he snaps. "Why so surprised to see me walking around my own castle?"

My brow furrows.

"I wasn't surprised," I say. He rolls his eyes.

"Right," he says dryly. "Whatever you say."

"Are you alright?" I ask. He scowls.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he snaps. "How about you worry about yourself, lady."

He walks past my room, and I blink in surprise. What was that all about? Did I do something wrong?

Shaking my head, I close my door and return to my work. No matter. He might just be tired. He might feel better in the morning. Right now, I need to focus on finishing my work.


Making a few more adjustment's Hazel's dress, I hear a knock at the door. Yawning, I smile. Turning, I set aside my things and walk over to the door. Opening it, I grin when I see Hazel, Matthius, and Leo standing there.

"Oh perfect timing," I say and lead them in. Hazel grins at her dress.

"Oh my gosh! It's beautiful!" she exclaims.

"You have to try it on first," I say and lead her over to a board. Taking the dress off the mannequin, I lead Hazel behind the boards and begin to help her get into it. Lacing it up, I make a few adjustments before leading her back out to her brothers. I gesture dramatically to her, and she grins.

Matthius smiles broadly however, Leo looks cold and impassive. My brow furrows but I shrug it off.

Hazel's dress is a long sleeve, on the shoulder with straps going over the shoulder, floor length dress with gold and white designs dancing along the edges of the skirt. The bodice has golden curls streaming upward, with a golden and white eagle in the center. A cape extends from the top of where the sleeves end, down to the wrists.

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now