Chapter 6: Desmond

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Tapping my fingers on the arm of the chair as I read, I peer over at the woman again. Her chest rises and falls steadily. She has not moved from that position in some time. I wish she would wake so that I could ask her some questions. However, the poor woman has been through quite the ordeal and I don't wish for her to hurt or overexert herself like before.

According to Hazel, it was revealed to the woman that she has been here for three days. Needless to say, she did not take that well. I sigh and rake a hand through my hair.

Hearing the bedsheets shift, I look back at the woman and see her brow furrowing. She yawns and stretches. She quickly pulls her arms back down, wincing and clutching one of her arms.

Eyelids fluttering open, she yawns again and rubs her eye. Looking up at me, she blinks. We stare at one another in silence.

Taking in the woman's appearance once again, I see that her eyes are a bright shade of forest green. Her skin is now a healthy shade of pale ivory, and she has a slim far as I can see.

"Who are you?" she asks, breaking me away from my thoughts. She slowly begins to try and sit up but winces and falls back down. She huffs, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. My lips twitch.

"Well, hello to you too," I say. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Sore," she mutters and looks annoyed. "Why does everything still hurt?!"

I barely resist the urge to smile.

"Excuse me," she says and looks a little sheepish. "I guess I should probably introduce myself first. Get the ball rolling and all that."

She slowly wiggles her way into a seated position before holding out her hand.

"Davina," she says and smiles. That smile! And her name!

"Are you by any chance, Davina Gray?" I ask, scooting a little closer. Her hand slowly drops, and she looks shocked.

"Ye-Yes," she stammers. "But how?"

Energy fills me but I resist the urge to blurt out questions. Instead, I compose myself and scoot the chair a little closer.

"It's a bit of a long story," I say. "Maybe you could share with me how that portal formed and who attacked you, and I can share how I know your name."

"I would like to know your name first," she says. "I know that you're the brother to Matthius, Leo, and Hazel, because you have the same green eyes as Matthius, but the same long hair, and color as Leo. However, it's also wavy like the rest of them."

She leans forward slightly, waiting for an answer.

"I am King Desmond," I say, and her eyes widen.

"You're King Desmond?" she asks, and she looks as though she knows me.

"How do you know me?" I ask, surprised.

"I guess I better start from the beginning," she says and begins to go over her story. My eyes widen when she mentions Lord Samael. If I needed any more confirmation that she is the woman from the Revealing Spell, this was it. Not that I needed any more convincing. Her smile and eyes gave it away.

My anger kicks up when she explains the way he beat her. I ought to go out and find him right now. Beat the ever-loving snot out of him. Her tone takes on a softer tone, and her face pales slightly. How she got so close to dying. She begins to shake and her eyes shimmer. Oh gosh. She may start crying. I don't do well with women who cry.

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now