Chapter 5: Davina

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Slowly waking, my vision is heavily blurry. I feel warm. Really warm. Breathing fast, I try to move but my limbs won't work. Pain seers through me and I cry out.

"Shhh," a calming voice says, and someone tucks away a strand of my hair. "Here. Drink some of this."

Something is pressed to my lips and something warm begins to slide down my throat. It feels soothing and I manage to drink all of it. The bowl is pulled away and I cough. It hurts my chest, but whatever searing pain I was feeling a minute ago is gone.

I can barely keep my eyes open. Slowly, everything washes away back into darkness.


Waking again, I hear voices. Barely managing to open my eyes, I feel a wet cloth being dabbed on my forehead. I try to turn my head, but my neck feels sore.

"Awake again I see," A new voice says, and a figure enters my line of vision. They're a blurry mass of greens and whites. Lifting my head slightly, something is pressed against my lips. Another warm liquid slides down my throat and I feel a soothing feeling enter my body.

Pulling it away, I sigh and close my eyes.

"Get some rest now," The figure says.

Everything fades away once again.


Waking, I feel a horrible pain in my stomach. My stomach rolls and I barely manage to sit up.

"Woah!" A voice exclaims and a hand rests on my shoulder. "Don't sit up so abruptly."

Clutching my stomach, I whimper. I look up at the figure and see that it's a man. He looks familiar. My stomach rolls again and I gasp. Seeing a bucket, I pull away, falling out of the bed and crawling towards it, barely reaching the bucket before hurling into it. Gentle hands pull my hair away from my face. Releasing another torrent of vomit, I pull away and collapse. The man catches me and gently picks me up.

I let out another whimper and he gently lays me back down onto the bed. Bringing the covers back over me, he helps me to adjust.

"Here," he says and presses a cup against my lips. I feel water this time going down my throat. When he pulls away, I cough before feeling my entire body give out. Adjusting my covers, I turn to him. He gives a small smile.

"Get some rest," he says. "You need it."

Nodding, I close my eyes and let myself drift off once again.


Slowly waking, I feel a warm feeling inside of me. Smiling, I slowly open my eyes. My vision clears and I see that I am not in my bedroom. I gasp and bolt straight up. I cry out at the pain and clutch my side, falling back slightly. Heart pounding, I frantically look around. How-How did I get here?

I seem to be in a large room, with a fireplace against one wall. Sunlight glides into the room from the windows and I see bookshelves lining the room. There are green curtains, a green rug, and even green couches and pillows around the room. A few chairs are around the room that are golden with green pillows.

Breathing fast and harsh, my vision swims and I close my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I slowly wiggle my way into sitting up. Lifting my arm to adjust the pillows, I inhale sharply at the pain and clutch it. Ugh! Why does everything hurt so much?!

Trying to think back to what happened, I remember the magical maniac chasing after me, hurling blasts at me. I remember grabbing a weird disk thing from him and a hole opening up, to which he stabbed me, causing me to fall through the hole. The rest is all blurry masses of people and places.

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now