Chapter 3: Davina

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Pushing open the doors to the building, Josephine and I step out of the building, letting the doors close behind us. The sun is setting, bathing the sky in warm tones of orange and purple. Shops begin to either close or flip on their outside lights. I shiver as a breeze blows past me.

Lights flood the city from all angles. Cars honk at each other while others race by. People walk up and down the streets, going in and out of various stores and buildings. A trail of police cars rushes down the street, their sirens wailing. That's a lot of police cars. I wonder what's going on?

Adjusting my bag, Josephine and I make our way down the street towards our favorite cafe. My mind turns back to the meeting from earlier. How am I supposed to design something so immodest and revealing? I thought my goal was to make practical clothing that women could wear and still look fashionable.

Reaching the cafe, I open the door and Josephine steps inside. The smell of coffee wafts heavily through the building. Going over to our table in the corner, we hang our bags over the back of the chairs and sit down.

Marla walks over and grins. Her curly, blond hair bounces as she walks.

"Hey you two," she says. "The usual?"

"Yes, thank you Marla," I say, and she nods. Heading off to go and get our order, I hear my phone ding. Pulling it out, I see an email from Rosalie. Stifling a groan, I open it and see a pretty long email.

Hello Davina!

Just a reminder that I would like for you to change up your designs and turn them into me by next week. I have listed some changes I highly recommend you take into consideration.

I read through the rest of the email, taking note of all the changes she wants me to make. Huffing, I turn off my phone and shove it back into my bag. Josephine looks up from doing her work, arching a brow at me. Josephine is 18, and the youngest in our group. She has shoulder length, curly black hair, light brown skin, and large, sea blue eyes. She has a heart shaped face and a button nose. She's very dainty and beautiful.

She's working as an intern at the company. Rosalie put me in charge of watching over and teaching her. Eventually, we moved from partners to friends. 

"What's wrong?" she asks, her accent thick. Josephine comes from a Hispanic family, however that's about as much as I know.

"Just got the email from Rosalie," I say and roll my eyes. "Not only does she want me to add in the suggestions from earlier, but she also wants me to make the blouse a crop top, and the other outfit a strapless crop top."

Josephine purses her lips, shaking her head.

"I don't see why you should have to change your designs," she says. "I thought they were wonderful."

I smile. I look down and see that she's almost finished with her paperwork.

"How much do you have left to do?" I ask, and nod towards her folder.

"Only a few more pages," she says. "Once I finish these stock records, I can move onto finishing my designs for Rosalie."

"How are those coming along?" I ask. Josephine helps to design formal attire. Her department rose rapidly in January and continues to rise more and more each day.

"Almost done with them," she says and smiles. "I've decided to go for a more princess-esque kind of theme. Floor length dresses, sparkles, flowy skirts, the works."

I grin.

"Could I convince you to let me try on one of those dresses?" I ask. She smiles.

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now