Chapter 17: Davina

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(Warning: This chapter contains a dark scene)

Desmond continues to stare down at his father's sword in shock. I turn to the sword. It's a beautiful sword, with a silver hilt and rubies on it. I see some inscriptions on the pommel of the sword.

"I-I thought his sword had been destroyed," Desmond says and I turn to him. "But it's been here this whole time."

"Why would it have been destroyed?" I ask and he turns to me.

"Because...Samael killed our parents," he says and he turns back to the sword. My heart twists. "This was my father's prized sword. He always took it with him into battle. He always had it near him. It's a family heirloom, having been passed down from one child to the next."

He places a hand over the glass case.

"He always said that once I came of age he would pass the sword down to me," he continues. "We had all thought that Samael had destroyed the sword, knowing how much it meant to our father."

I see a dark cloud in Desmond's eyes. I place a hand on his shoulder.

"I can give you a moment," I say, and he nods. Turning, I head out of the room and back into the main weapons room. Walking around, I examine the weapons on the wall. Examining one dagger, I see initials carved into the pommel. I wonder where Samael got all these weapons. Did he have them made? No, he probably collected them. But...from where?

Seeing the other door, I shake my head. I'll wait for Desmond. Don't want another surprise attack. Walking around some more, I see a book on a table. Going over to it, I tap it, pulling my hand away quickly. Nothing happens. Heart pounding, I open it before backing away quickly. Nothing.

Timidly coming back over, I begin to flip through the book. I see it's a catalog of all the weapons...and where they came from. Most of these weapons are from other people. Meaning he killed them and took their weapons. My heart beat kicks up as I flip through the weapons. There's so many...

"What did you find?" Desmond asks, causing me to jump. I turn around and see him holding his father's sword. He sheaths it and I gesture for him to come over. He does and begins to examine the book. His eyes widen and he turns to me.

"This is a log of all the weapons in here," I say and swallow. "And where he got the weapons."

He nods and begins to walk around the room. He stalls when he comes upon one of the daggers. It has a black handle with green gemstones instead of rubies implanted into the hilt.

"My mother's dagger?" he asks. "It's here too?"

I flip through the catalog until I come upon the dagger. I nod and turn to him. He sets his lips into a thin line before opening the display case and pulling out the dagger.

"My sister will probably want this," he says and slips it away. I turn to the next doorway.

"I wonder if there are more weapons in there," I say and point to the other doorway.

"Probably," he says and I set aside the book. Walking over to it, he opens the door and a rank smell hits me. I cough, covering my mouth and nose.

"Ugh, what is that?" I ask as we make our way into the room. We stop, dead in our tracks when we see what's in the room. My stomach roils as I take in the room. Human skulls are hung up all over the walls, with golden plaques under them. There are hundreds here.

"Oh my gosh..." I say, softly. Desmond looks horrified and walks around. I do as well, but I keep my distance from the skulls. Some still have flesh hanging off them and my stomach rolls again. I barely manage to keep my breakfast down.

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora