Chapter 16: Desmond

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Scanning the shelves, I remove a couple books and blow dust off of them. Reading over the titles, my brows furrow. Many of these books have something to do with dark magic or creating dark potions.

Dread begins to pick up inside of me, and I quickly put the books away. Seeing a small, wooden chest, I gently open it. Seeing a dagger inside, my eyes land on the tip of the handle. It's a golden blood drop. Closing the chest quickly, I back away.

Hands shaking, I look around the room. I notice a red banner hung up over the door frame, with a golden blood drop in the center. My heart beat kicks up.

"Giddeon," I say, and he gasps. "I think I know who was here before us."

"We need to look around for any kind of traps," Giddeon says, and I turn to him. I nod and look around. I note that Davina isn't in the room. Oh-no.

A scream comes from the other hallway.

"Davina!" I scream and run down the hallway, pulling out my sword. I see a creature trying to bite at her while she's barely keeping it off her. She's breathing fast, and her arms are shaking. I rush forward but the creature jumps off of Davina. Giddeon rushes forward and encases the creature in a shield. The creature hisses and claws at the shield.

Turning to Davina, I put away my sword, before bending down.

"I told you to stay near me the entire time," I say, sternly, as I help her to her feet.

"So-Sorry," she stammers, face pale and she's shaking a little. She dusts herself off, but I see that her hands are shaking. My expression softens a little and I turn to the creature. Grabbing a torch, I walk towards it and shine a light over it. I ground my jaw when I recognize the creature.

"Dalmere," I snarl, and the disgusting creature turns its large, yellow eyes on me. He's hunched over, covered in warts, with tattered clothing. He has a large, pointed, toothy grin. "I thought you were gone. How did you survive?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, your highness," he says, in a raspy voice.

I glare down at him.

"But since you asked so nicely, I slipped away during the battle," he explains. "Remained down here ever since. Until you all trespassed."

"I'm afraid you're the one trespassing here, Dalmere," I say. "This is my castle. And since this underground space is a part of that, this is my territory."

He hisses and growls.

"So, that means you killed Samael then?" he asks.

"Yes," I say, squaring my shoulders.

"You're lying," he says and grins. "Samael's alive."

His eyes roam over to Davina.

"And I feel she has something to do with it," he says and turns back to me, his grin growing wicked. Anger spikes through me.

"I'm afraid you won't be getting the chance to ever serve Samael again," I say, tone cold. "You'll be spending the rest of your miserable, disgusting life in a cell in the dungeon."

"Samael will return for him," he growls. "And he will end your reign!"

"Don't count on it," I say before turning to Giddeon. "I'm going to go and grab some guards. Will you be okay here by yourself?"

He nods.

"I can handle the little dungrat," he says, adding another layer to the shield. I nod and turn to Davina. Gently taking her arm, I turn and lead us back to the main area.

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now