Chapter 22: Desmond

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Going down the long hallways of the dank, damp dungeons, I feel my heart pounding a mile a minute. The clanking of chains echoes around me, and of the armor of the guards behind me. A precaution. A warning. And, ultimately, a threat. Hopefully they won't be needed. Hopefully the prisoner is smart and won't try anything.

Turning a corner, I see a wooden door up ahead. Torches light up the ominous halls as we make our way to it. The dungeon keeper steps forward, pulling out a ring of keys, and sticking them into the lock. The lock gives a sharp click. Grabbing the handle, I pull open the door, the hinges squealing slightly as I do.

The room is small, with a table and two chairs. Torches line various sections of the room, causing shadows to dance along the walls. The prisoner, Edric if I remember correctly, sits in the chair opposite of me, chained to it. I see a cut on his forehead that's bleeding.

He's lounging back in the chair, a lazy smile on his face. I frown. I don't like that at all. He's too comfortable for my liking. Stepping into the room, the guards fan out and surround the entire room. Edric watches them, amused.

"What's so funny?" I ask, tone cold, as I close the door behind me.

"Are all these guards really necessary for someone like me?" Edric asks.

"They are to ensure you don't try anything," I say, as I pull out the chair and sit down across from him. He smirks and holds up his arm with the chain on it. "Just a warning to keep you from trying anything."

He chuckles and leans back in the chair again. We sit there in silence as I collect my thoughts, calming myself. And to keep myself from reaching over and strangling him for what he attempted to do to Davina.

"So, are you going to waste your time interrogating me, or continue to sit there in silence?" Edric asks.

"I was hoping to give you the chance to talk," I say. "Might lower your sentence if you do."

He rolls his eyes before flashing me a murderous look.

"I'm no traitor," he says, tone dark.

I match his look, leaning forward.

"As far as I'm concerned, you're already a traitor," I say, tone low. He sets his lips into a thin line and I sit back. "Now, what does Samael want with Davina?"

He arches a brow at me.

"Don't you already know that?" he asks.

"Oh, I'm well aware of the reason," I say. "But why not kill her? I was there, killing her in front of me would have had the intended effect. Instead though, Samael had you try and kidnap her. Why?"

He rolls his eyes.

"I thought the Great King Desmond was smarter than this," he snaps. "Why kill someone who can be used to gain something? Especially to get something-"

He stops and I smirk.

"So, Samael wanted to use Davina to get something from me?" I ask and he sets his lips into a thin line again. His face is all the answer I need. "And seeing as you're not going to tell me, I guess it's up to Giddeon's truth serum to get you to talk."

I see fear enter into his eyes.

"Unless of course, you want to tell me now," I say. He glares at me.

"You won't scare me into talking," he snarls. Shaking my head, I get to my feet.

"Very well," I say. "If that's the way you want to be."

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now