Chapter 11: Davina

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Tossing aside the next book, I sigh and lay my head back against the chair. Rubbing them, my stomach growls. Time for a break. I swear, after this I'm never stepping into another library as long as I live.

Sighing, I stand, smoothing out the skirt of my dress. Stretching, I put away the books I've finished and collect a few more. Placing them down in my spot, I turn and head out of the library. I wonder if I should help out Tobias. I can't just keep leeching off Desmond's kindness. I need to do something while I'm here. Maybe I can help design clothing or something.

It's oddly quiet today. I wonder what everyone else is up to. Stalling as I reach another hallway, I nearly groan. Lost! Again! I should have been paying more attention.

Sighing, I look around for one of the castle staff. I suddenly hear a scream.

"Ugh! You little imp!"

That voice! Running down the hallway, I turn a corner and see Princess Eloise standing over a young boy around 7. He's trembling, his face pale and eyes wide.

"I-I'm sor-sorry your-your highness," he stammers.

"You're going to be sorry," she snarls, and races her hand. I gasp and rush forward. I grab her hand before she can hit the little boy. She gasps and I let go of her hand. I stand in front of the little boy, facing her.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demand.

She quickly recovers from her surprise and levels me with a murderous look.

"Who do you think you are?" she snarls. "This disgusting rat spilled water on my dress."

I look and see a large patch of water on the skirt of her dress.

"It-It was-was an-an accident," The little boy says and I look around. I see that the rug has been pulled up slightly. No doubt he tripped over that.

"It wasn't his fault," I say and point to the rug. "He tripped over the rug."

"He should have been watching where he was going," she snaps. She casts a dark look down at the boy. "I'm going to see to it that King Desmond punishes him."

The little boy shrinks away and I clench my fists.

"The little guy was no doubt carrying a lot of water," I explain. "He probably wasn't focused on the ground. It happens to everyone. It's just some water. You should be lucky it wasn't wine or something. Besides, I'll vouch for him."

She scowls.

"He's a clumsy rat," she says, tone cold. "It's beyond me why King Desmond would employ such a useless child."

Heat begins to bubble up inside of me.

"Perhaps this little boy needs the job," I say, through gritted teeth. "He's not a spoiled princess like you who can just get whatever she wants. He actually has to do this thing called work, which I doubt you've done a day in your life. Regardless, It wouldn't be okay to hit a child."

Her look turns murderous again.

"If you ever talk that way to me again, I'll see to it you are kicked out of this kingdom," she threatens in a low voice.

I cross my arms over my chest.

"Newsflash, Princess, but you're not in charge of this kingdom," I say. "King Desmond is. And besides, I've dealt with people like you before. Your threats don't phase me."

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now