Chapter 28: Desmond

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My eyelids flutter open, and I feel a burning pain in my shoulder. I inhale sharply.

"Easy," A soothing voice says and opens my eyes slightly. I see a woman above me. She gently lifts the back of my head. "Drink some of this."

Something cool begins to slide down my throat. Slowly, she pulls it away and lowers my head. I feel her gentle fingers tuck aside some of my hair.

"Get some sleep," The woman says.

Slowly, I feel myself sink back into darkness.


Feeling someone adjusting my covers, my eyelids open again. The woman from before finishes adjusting my blanket and turns back to me. She's blurry but she sits back down.

"Here," she says. She picks up something and brings my head up. Drinking whatever she's giving me, it's warm and smooth. She pulls it away and sets aside the cup. Picking up something else, she dabs at my forehead with a cool cloth. I sigh and close my eyes. Slowly, I drift off.


Jerking awake, I inhale sharply. I feel a gentle hand on my forehead and I manage to pry my eyes open.

"Still warm," The woman from before says and I see her talking to someone. "Isn't there anything we can give him to help the fever to break?"

"Only time and the medicine I have provided," I hear a familiar voice say. "For now, it would be best if we drank some medicine and got more rest."

The woman turns to me, and I barely see the small smile on her face.

"Was this how I looked when I was sick?" she asks, lifting my head gently and pressing a cup against my lips.

"Oh yes," The man from before says. "Albeit you could barely keep any contents down. Seems as though Desmond has a stronger stomach. Although, he's always had that, even as a child."

She chuckles and I finish drinking the medicine. She sets aside the cup and lays my head back down. Tucking aside some of my hair, I close my eyes.

"He must be more exhausted than I thought," The woman says, and adjusts my blankets. "Get some rest. You'll need your strength to fight off this sickness."

My lips won't work. I close my eyes, and everything fades to black once again.


Feeling something warm and soft under me, my eyelids flutter open. My vision is blurry and I turn my head. A figure is sitting in a chair next to my bed. Blinking away the blurriness, I see that it's Davina. My eyes widen in surprise. She's reading, however, she turns to me. She grins and sets aside her book.

"How are you feeling?" she asks, as she scoots closer. She feels my forehead.

"Sore..." I say, voice hoarse.

"Here," she says, and stands. She pours me a cup of water and sits back down. Helping me to drink the water, I close my eyes and sigh as the cool water slides down my throat. Slowly, she pulls away, and sets aside the cup. I sigh and lay back. "Your fever broke thankfully."

I give a weak smile.

"What happened?" I ask, rubbing my temple.

"I got some of the soldiers and Giddeon to help you back into the castle," she says. "You've been sick for the past three days."

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora