Chapter 21: Davina

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Adjusting my shirt the next morning, Miranda smooths out my hair next. She ties it up into a ponytail, and I instinctively rub my cheek. She gently slaps my hand and I lower it.

"Don't mess with your cut," she says, as she braids my hair. "You don't want to make it worse."

I nod and she finishes braiding my hair. Arabella, thankfully, had finished the casual clothing Hazel had ordered. Hazel, when she came and got me this morning, told me we would need more practical clothing in order to walk around the village today. So, a shirt and a pair of pants. And some pretty cute boots too.

Miranda finishes my braid and I stand. Thanking her, she grins.

"Now, you had better get going," she says. "Hazel is not the most patient person."

I chuckle and she leads me out of the room. I see Hazel waiting for me. Hazel is wearing a white shirt and pants today as well. Her hair is up in a ponytail. She grins when she sees me.

"You ready to go?" she asks. I nod and she hooks her arm through mine. Starting down the hallway, we exit the castle and down a long pathway towards the village.

Sunlight streams across the path with barely any clouds in the sky. A gentle wind tousles my shirt. The dirt crunches under us as we walk. I can hear the guards walking behind us, their armor clinking together loudly.

The chattering and laughter grows louder the closer we get to the village. Seeing people walking around, we enter and I look around at all the buildings around me. Each is of various size and shape, Some are made of mortar and brick, while others are made of material I can't identify.

Carts roll across the roads and I see children running around. Hazel takes me over to an area that is filled with stores and shops. This must be the shopping district. She takes me over to a shop selling weapons. I give her a weird look.

She shrugs.

"I need more arrows," she says, and we step inside. "After this, I want to head to the shop selling crystals and beads."

I nod and begin to walk around with her. Weapons of various shapes, sizes, and creeds sit along the walls. Hazel drags me over to a wall filled with bows. She begins to look through the barrels of arrows.

Letting my gaze wander, I note that the weapons are organized by design. Daggers with daggers, broadswords with broadswords, bows with bows, etc.

The smell of polished metal and varnish hangs in the air. The floor is stone, along with the wall, with wooden panels stuck up on the walls. Hooks are sunk into the wooden panels that the weapons rest on.

"Ah, there's one of my favorite customers!" An excited voice exclaims, and I turn around to see an older gentleman, with dark brown, curly hair that is slicked back. He is wearing a grease stained, navy blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He has on a pair of dark brown pants and boots. He grins and comes over to Hazel. "How are you doing Hazel?"

"Good," she says and smiles. "How about you Archie?"

"Good, good," he says. "Business has been a little slow lately though."

"I'll need to send my brothers over then," she says. "I'm sure there's something in our training yard that needs replacing."

He grins before his eyes snag on me.

"Ah, I see you've made a new friend," he says and comes over to me. "And who might you be, my dear?"

"Davina," I say, and he nods.

My King from Another World Book 1: Stuck in Another WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora