|Chapter 38|

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Chapter 38: "Shadows of Doubt"

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Chapter 38: "Shadows of Doubt"

March 5, 1988
New Orleans, Louisiana
6: 50 AM

Author's Perspective

Amidst the early morning haze of New Orleans, Louisiana, Darren's weary eyes surveyed the familiar sight of his apartment building. After a grueling nineteen-hour drive, every mile seemed to weigh heavily on his shoulders, leaving him longing for the comfort of his own bed.

With a tired sigh, he shut off the engine, the silence of the car enveloping him like a heavy blanket. Rubbing his hands down his face, Darren couldn't shake the exhaustion that seemed to seep into his bones, a constant reminder of the journey he had endured to reach this moment.

After what seemed like hours, but only a few minutes has past, Darren finally stepped out the car his mind buzzing with emotions. The familiar sounds of the city stirred memories long buried beneath the weight of his recent actions. As he made his way up the steps to his apartment, each footfall echoed with the weight of his decisions. Darren couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at his insides, a lingering doubt that whispered of the consequences yet to unfold.

Unlocking the door, Darren stepped into the dimly lit interior of his apartment, the air heavy with the scent of sweet candles and forgotten dreams. He tossed his keys onto the small table by the entrance, the clatter of metal against wood punctuating the silence that hung in the air.

With weary steps, Darren made his way into his bedroom, opening the door to find the mother of his child Renee and their son Aaron sleeping peacefully. For the first time in a long time Darren felt guilt washing over him like a tidal wave, threatening to drown him in its depths. He knew he fucked up bad, and he also knew that the cops would come after him along with his family.

He knew he had to leave them behind, and he also knew Renee would wait for him to return, he smirk at that thought, as he had plan for to maintain his finances while he was gone. Even though he felt slightly bad, Darren still callous as ever, and always putting himself first. He had never been one to dwell on consequences or consider the feelings of others. Darren was a master manipulator, always scheming and plotting his next move to ensure his own survival and success.

He had no intention of facing the repercussions of his actions; he would vanish into the shadows. With a cold determination, Darren gathered his belongings, his mind already racing ahead to his next scheme. As Renee stirred in her sleep, a faint rustling sound caught her attention. Groggily, she blinked her eyes open, the dim light filtering through the room revealing the figure of Darren packing his belongings. Confusion clouded her mind as she watched him, her heart pounding with a sense of dread.

"Darren?" she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. "What are you doing?"

Darren froze, his back to her as he continued to methodically fold clothes and stuff them into a duffel bag. He didn't turn to face her, his jaw clenched tight "Go back to sleep" he muttered, his voice devoid of emotion. Renee's heart sank, she knew what this was about. Her mother watched the news coverage, and she had known that he was in New York, but she thought it was for him to expand his connections not a kidnapping.

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