|Chapter 1|

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Chapter One: Unspoken Struggles

Summer of  '87

August 15 1987

As the sun beams down on  Los  Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, a security officer halted rehearsal "sorry to interrupt but Mr. LaVelle has a phone call waiting." "Sorry guys I'll be right back."

Michael held the rehearsal until LaVelle got back but 30 minutes has passed and still no sign of him and they needed to get this set down packed before they'd headed to Tokyo, Japan. "I'll be right back" Michael said to the rest of the performers. Michael left to go find LaVelle , he spotted LaVelle by the phone booth rubbing his hands across his face, Michael preceded to walk towards him but something told him to wait.

"We've only hung out a couple of times" Michael over heard LaVelle say there was a pause in the conversation. Michael could tell the frustration going through LaVelle. "I can't promise anything but it does seem like she needs to get away" and with that his phone called ended. Michael approached LaVelle "what's going on ? You've been gone for almost 45 minutes. Everyone is waiting on you" LaVelle sighed "my cousin has a lot on her plate right now" somber filled the air. "We'll talk later" Michael said.

Michael and LaVelle returned to the stage to finish rehearsal, once rehearsal was over all dancers and musicians begin packing up for the day so they could be back bright and early for tomorrow's rehearsal. Michael was meeting with Frank about the promotions for the tour. Until Michael noticed LaVelle leaving, Michael wanted to know what was going on with LaVelle before he left for the day. "Hold that thought Frank"

Michael P.O.V

I caught up to LaVelle "hey do you want to talk about what was going on earlier". LaVelle just looked out of it all day today during rehearsal so something must be going on. He sighed and looked at me "my cousin has been having it rough lately." Ever since I met LaVelle he has been nothing but a kindred spirit and I considered him a friend and I don't use that term loosely. "Let's talk about it in my trailer." Once we settled in my trailer he proceeded to discuss what was wrong. He told me about his cousin who has recently got into a bad car accident which led to the lost of her unborn baby that she didn't even know she was carrying.

"Since the accident she lost all inspiration in life" LaVelle sighed. I didn't know what to say he just needed somebody to talk to. "She has taken a break from school, stopped dancing, and all her other school activities in school" he chuckled "I barely know her but I feel so bad for her, she is so sweet yet they're insinuating that she wants to kill herself" "why would they be saying things like that" I questioned, he sighed once more "because she has started self harming herself again."

I was shocked, I've only seen things and heard things like this from movies and books but I never thought  a person would actually do that. " her father asked me to connect her with some artists that I previously worked with to help inspire her" he continued "I told him I couldn't make any promises but I'll try." I felt obligated to help him he has a great work ethic so why not. His cousin has been through enough already.

"How about this bring her here and she can come to rehearsals maybe that'll spark something in her." I smiled he looked at me with a slight smile "thanks Michael for that but I know some people who are willing to do it. This is your first solo tour, we should be focused on making it perfect." I smiled "and that's why she should come and watch. I broke off from my brothers and I am starting my own solo career that could possibly inspire her." "Yeah, maybe I'll call her father up and see what he says thanks Michael." I smiled and watch him begin to leave "no problem" I smiled I felt like I did a good deed. I just hope she will not be distracting Lavelle too much.

Summer Of '87
August 17, 1987

As the sun begins to rise on the south Los Angeles of the small duplex in Leimert Park. 21 year old Amahle Bryant is woken up by her father Darnell Parks "baby girl get up it's almost time for LaVelle to get here." Her father's baritone voice boomed in the room.

She huffed and rolled on her side bringing the covers to her face. Amahle Jendayi Parks get your ass up now" she rose up from under the covers " I discussed with you yesterday I wasn't going and I meant that" she laid back down pulling the covers over her head. Amahle and her father had a rocky relationship, since he denied being her father and was in and out of the picture for most of her life. She felt he only wanted to be apart of her life because his other children were a mess but who was she to judge.

A 21 year old who lost everything, she has nothing and is nothing. "You are going to go there is no reason for you to be laying around here moping" she huffed again "well maybe if you all would let me work again I can mope at work" she said with an attitude, he sighed and he went to sit on her bed while pushing her fro from her face he spoke "working too hard and too much is what has gotten you to this point, you need to rest and also need to get out and venture not lay around in bed and feel bad for yourself."

He got up and patted her leg "so get up and get dress you know you need this." She finally decided to hear her father out and decided to get up and get dress.


Authors note:

I'm back with another new story don't worry it won't end up like the rest. This story does not need any inspiration like the others. This is coming straight from the soul, so I hope you enjoy the first chapter most of the chapters will be 900+ words. So it will medium/short chapters but still I hope you give it a chance.



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