|Chapter 14|

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Michael P.O.V

After spending the evening signing contracts and doing press releases me and Amahle made it back to the stadium. She didn't come inside the press releases or contracts she just stayed in the limo sleeping "baby girl" I shook her to wake up "mmm" she groaned "wake-up you can go back to sleep but we are at the car" she rubbed he eyes "what time is it" "1 am" "mm okay" she groggily spoke "thanks bill" as we exited the vehicle

On the drive back to my house we had small conversation "you need to call your dad" I said "not you too" "I already told I don't believe what he said was right but he is worried just do it to lessen his worry" she sighed "alright" the ride was quiet once more "Michael ?" "Hmph" "why are you single" she asked the question threw me off

"Umm well I don't know honestly" I said she laughed "is that so" she said "well after Diana I took a break from the dating world" "Diana?" She questioned "Diana Ross" "you dated Diana Ross" she semi yelled, I couldn't help but laugh "technically no but in my eyes yes" I giggled she was quite "she didn't take me serious though "... I continued to focus on the road "I'm hungry" she whispered trying to change the subject

"Well we're almost to my house I know I should have something to eat in there" I knew she was quiet because she now knew who my ex was "but like I was saying she didn't take me serious, I loved her but she didn't love me, I was like a sex object to her no real dates and only a few public appearances here and there" I said as we pulled up the house the gate guard opened the gate

"Sex object ?" She asked bewildered "yeah, I offered a relationship she obliged to that but we had to keep it private then once I offered marriage she refused and told me she didn't want to every get married in her words it would have ruined everything" I said as I parked the car "but isn't she married now" I laughed she looked so confused

"Same thing I said...once I found out I took a break from dating it broke my heart and it made me furious" I said while clenching my jaw, I felt he hand on my shoulder "you had every right to be mad she lied and made you look like a fool" she sounded like she felt bad for me "I told myself never to fall in love like that again, I had two casual rebounds but it never lead to anything if anything it made me feel worse"

"Oh" she removed her hand my shoulder and I turned and notice she was staring at the floor "that was until I met this certain someone who made me think maybe I rushed that idea to quickly" i noticed her smile "and I wondered who would that be" she said

I grabbed her face and kissed her slowly I stuck my tongue gaining entrance into her mouth deeping the kiss I heard her moan against my mouth. I pulled back catching both of our breaths " I hoped that answered your question" she smiled.

We both exited the car "so what's the plan for tomorrow" "nothing but a wedding I have to attend" a wedding?" "Yeah my lawyer who's also a good friend of mine is getting married and I also need a date" I smile "are you asking me to be your date" "that I am" I smiled "okay I'll go but I have nothing to wear" "well you can take my car and card and go shopping" i said

Making my way to the bathroom to get undressed " I can afford my own clothes Michael" she called out "I know that" I said, I heard her walked in the bathroom but I couldn't see because I was taking off my shirt once I got it off I notice she was completely naked

I just stared at her through the mirror "why do you keep trying to spend your money on me" I wasnt listening to her, I couldn't I was just staring at her figure through the mirror "Jackson im speaking to you" she said folding her she noticed my print through the mirror

I turned to her "why are you always teasing me" I said lowly biting my lip "I don't know what your talking about" she said nonchalantly I picked her up and placed he on the counter "I want to fuck you so bad" I said kissing her neck she moaned I grabbed her breast massage them "what's stopping you" she asked hoarsely

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