|Chapter 6|

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Chapter 6: The Call

Amahle P.O.V

That man Michael fucking Jackson was masterbating to the thought of me. Did he find me attractive or was it just my body he found attractive.  "We're here" LaVelle said as he parked outside the duplex. I didn't even realize we made it already, but I did notice strobe lights going off and loud hip hop music.

My brothers must be throwing some type of party, I just shook my head. That's none of my business anyway. "I won't tell y'all dad" LaVelle laughed as I opened the car door and got out but before I could close the door LaVelle stopped me "oh here" he gave me a piece of paper with a cell number on it "LaVelle I already have your number" I laughed.

"No this is Michael's number ... you should give him a call and really apologize to him" he looked at me with a raise brow. I shook my head "alright but I hope you know I did apologize to him" he straight face "okay, okay, I will give him a call and really apologize" I laughed. I took the number and placed it in my pocket. "See you tomorrow morning dayi" LaVelle said as I closed his door.

I proceeded to my house but the closer I got the louder the music got. I just rolled my eyes as I knocked on the door hard for a few times. Finally the door opens "bout time" I said as I walked through the door. The smell of weed, sweat, and liquor hit my nose. Damn I'm surprised the neighbors hasn't called the cops yet.

"Oh hey sis wanna take hit and a shot with us" my brother asked as he shoved the unsparked joint and Hennessy bottle in my face. I pushed both of them out of my face and begin walking towards the stairs "nah I'm good...I'm really tired" "come on dayi you haven't had any fun since the accident".

I looked at him and then the unsparked joint in his hand. I smiled "I guess one hit and a shot or two couldn't hurt". I said taking  both the Hennessy and the joint from him.

A few hours passed by and after 3 joints and 5 shots I was starting to feel it and myself as well. I decided it was best for me to head to bed while I can. "Alright fellas I'm going to bed" I said getting off the couch without stumbling surprisingly.  I heard a bunch of ahh mans come from them and I laughed "goodnight y'all" "goodnight".

I headed upstairs. I felt so dirty and filthy since I've been up since the ass crack of dawn and now it's almost 2 in the morning. I got in the shower, while showering I let my mind drift off to other places.

Michael was touching himself to the thought of me. The idea of him touching himself was turning me on, Him moaning out my name and loudly at that. The more I thought about it the more wet I got. Amahle what is wrong with you and why are you thinking like that, it must be the liquor that is doing this to me.

I got out the shower and picked up my clothes and I thought about the number LaVelle gave me and I smirked, maybe I should give him a call. Normally I'm not like this and I honestly don't like that man in the manner but I am horny and this weed and liquor is clouding my mind right now.

I walked out the bathroom and into to the bedroom and grab the cordless phone. I looked at the number that LaVelle so sloppily written and dial the number. It ranged a few times. Maybe he won't answer, it is almost 3 in the morning before I could hang up I heard a voice on the other end "hello who is this" his voice was slightly deeper but I could tell it was him.

I was actually surprised that he answered the phone then I smirked "hello Jackson" there was a pause "Amahle...how ?" His voice went higher, I cut him off  "LaVelle...he thought I should genuinely apologize to you" he laughed.

Michael P.O.V

You can say that I was actually surprise when I get a call from my phone at almost 3 in the morning. Luckily I don't sleep like regular people. When I answered the phone no one was responding. So I decided to say something "hello who is this" and to my surprise the voice I heard was so familiar.

"Hello Jackson" I knew it from the moment she opened her mouth to speak. Why was she calling me this late is everything alright but also how did she get my number is the question. I know I didn't give her my number today in all honesty. I wouldn't  dare have the balls to ask her for her number or give her mine.

"LaVelle...he thought I should genuinely apologize to you" I laughed. Already forgiven her even knowing she wasn't being genuine. "Why are you laughing Jackson" I continue to laugh "this couldn't have waited till tomorrow" I said

I heard her laugh "honestly that's not why I'm calling" her voice sounded breathy and sultry. I couldn't lie and say she wasn't turning me on because she was. "So why are you calling ?" I asked. "Are you attracted to me ?" I was stunned I didn't know what to say. Was I that noticeable, what gave her that impression.

I sighed "Amahle I will say you are a beautiful woman but that is all" she giggled "is that so...so you don't find me sexually attractive". This girl is being really bold right now I'm so astonished, she has me so hard right now just by her voice alone.

As much as I wanted to tell her the truth I couldn't. I couldn't do that to LaVelle that is just crossing the line but she is making it really hard not too right now.

"No I don't  like you in that like I said you are really beautiful but nothing more" I said.

Sorry for the late  update I just wanted to make sure some parts of the next chapter were written please do be aware that the next chapter after this will have sexual content you have been warned!

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