|Chapter 21|

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Chapter 21: "Embracing the Whirlwind: Navigating Love, Family, and the Uncharted Skies"

Amahle's POV

The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room. I stirred awake, the warmth of Michael's presence still enveloping me. The events of the night before felt like a distant dream, and for a moment, everything seemed serene. I untangled myself from Michael's embrace, watching him sleep peacefully.

As I got out of bed, the weight of uncertainty settled upon me. Despite the tranquility of our shared moments, an eerie present loomed over me. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss, a storm brewing on the horizon.

I hesitated, torn between the comfort of the present and the unsettling thoughts that tugged at the edges of my consciousness. The storm I sensed felt both internal and external, a collision of emotions and external forces that threatened to disrupt the delicate balance we had found.

As I sipped my coffee, staring out at the city awakening below, I couldn't escape the feeling that a decision loomed on the horizon. The tranquility of the morning seemed deceptive, a calm before the storm. I pondered the unspoken questions to myself. I turned to Michael, he was still sleep cuddling the pillow underneath him as if it was me.

I wonder if he, too, felt the undercurrent of uncertainty that pervaded the air. As I sat by the window, lost in thought, I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. Michael had woken up, He must've finally realize that wasn't in bed. "Amahle, is everything okay, you weren't in bed when I woke up?" he asked, rubbing his eye like a child.

I gave him a half smile "yes, just wanted a cup of coffee after our long night" I smirked. He wrapped his arms around me, relaxing his hands on my chest, and laid his head on my shoulder. he yawned "I can tell you're lying to me baby." I sighed "Ion' know really, I just have this eerie feeling, it's nothing for real" I said taken another sip of my coffee.

He sighed and walked in front of me and sat between my legs "You're worried about Darren aren't you" he said placing his head into lap. "You know Michael, No man let it be woman, or man puts fear into me" I stated as I ran my fingers through his messy bed hair "is that so."

"yes, but Darren is no man, He's the devil in human form" I whispered, getting lost in my thoughts

*Flashback: Evening of March 3, 1985*

"You like being a little slut, don't you !?" Darren pinned me against wall. Show no fear, and he'll just leave me alone. He got like this anytime he mixed his narcotics and alcohol together. Stared him in the eyes, his breath reeked of liquor "answer me!" he yelled

"It's my birthday and your doing this" I said with no emotions, he raised hand and slammed his palm across my face causing me to stumble back "I don't give a fuck what day it is Diya you need to answer my question", I held my stinging cheek and just walked away.

He grabbed my hair and pulled me on the ground. Fuck, I felt the instant pain that filling my head, he drugged me towards the balcony of his apartment, "Darren what are you doing!" I said kicking trying to loosen his grip but I couldn't. "You want to play me right" he said throwing me over his shoulders bringing me to the edge of the balcony.

The cold wind bit into my skin as I dangled over the edge, the city lights blurred below. Fear gripped me, but I refused to show it. Darren's twisted games had escalated, and I knew this was a dangerous brink.

"Say you love me, Diya," he demanded, his voice a venomous hiss. I could feel the metal railing cutting into my stomach as he held me precariously. The city seemed both distant and close, a cruel juxtaposition to the nightmare unfolding.

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