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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

The firewall that I put up on my computer, the top hackers couldn't get it, and like I was setting up, I had two separate Red Heering Programs.

I pulled up my secret file, opening the specs for my new mistle.

I was startled out of my deep thought by the feeling of a flutter in my stomach, shocked I pushed back from the desk and put my hand on my lower stomach.

Wasn't it too early to feel movement?

I let out a laugh at myself even though I was alone – I designed weapons and aircraft; I didn't know much about pregnancy – suddenly I felt so unprepared for this.

What is there was something wrong, I felt fine overall but...I didn't know.

I pulled up the black screen to log out of my computer thinking things over I stood up, I knew there was a military doctor that had a practice near buy, it wasn't what one would call public military, its for higher clearance individuals.

You got up and made a call as I was heading out of the door, if Rooster and Hangman wanted to find me, they could call.

{Two Hours Later}

"So how far along are you?" The nice nurse asked, you were already enjoying what seemed to be a genuine cheerful demeanor.

"A few weeks, I think..." I was more than a little bit embarrassed that I wasn't completely knowledgeable about the whole child that was growing in me.

"That's, alright, not many women track the exact date unless they are trying to get pregnant...I'm going to take an ultrasound to get a better look to make sure that you and baby are doing good, this gel is going to feel cold."

"Thank you, quick questing, should I be feeling movement already? Or is it all just in my mind?"

She smiled at me as she put the gel on my stomach, and I did my best to relax as she moved the want over my tiny bump. "It's normal to feel movement, like butterflies in your stomach."

I smiled back, that was exactly what I was feeling, turning my head I watched the screen, seeing the tiny little thing filling the space.

"That is your baby..." She pointed to the screen. "Normal development, but I am going to do some blood work to make sure."

Tears came to my eyes at those simple four words – telling me that this was my baby, I did nothing to stop them falling down my cheeks and took a shaky breath.

I just simply cried as something profound came to me – a realization that up until now hadn't been made clear. Everyone always asked 'who's baby is it' they always refer to the father – however regardless if this baby was Roosters or Hangman's, this child was MINE.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes...I just need some help – with all of this, I'm utterly clueless when it comes to taking care of myself while I'm pregnant or childbirth in general – just everything."

She nodded.

"I understand, sometimes when it's your first it can be dauting, I have set you up with an online meeting with a nutritionist, I'm going to prescribe you some prenatal vitamins and we will set up regular checkups."

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

"When do you think we will be able to find out who the father is?" We were at the Hard Deck bar, playing pool and drinking beer.

"We can get a prenatal test between 10 and 13 weeks." Hangman looked at me eyes narrowed as he straightened up.

"What are you going to do if it's mine Rooster."

"Love her and the child – make sure she is taken care of. What are you going to do if the baby is mine?"

"Same thing." I was anxious though, I wanted to know who's baby it was.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now