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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships - so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I had never been worried about what others have thought about me, mostly because I tended to keep a tight circle around myself and I was always working.

I found that I was more than a little bit shy about returning to Fightertown, I didn't know how many people knew about our – polyamorous relationship – I knew that the Vice Admiral might suspect it, if not outright knew, Maverick knew for sure.

I finished eating, I didn't know how starving I was until I ate the whole sandwich.

"Is something wrong?" I turned and looked a bit shocked at Hangman, who was giving me a somewhat bemused look.

"" I was confused.

"You seem, I don't know – dissatisfied."

That caught my attention I tilted my head looking at him curiously, could he really tell my emotions that easily just by looking at me.

"I'm hungrier than I realized I was, stress tends to make me lose my appetite – being with you now...I." I stammered unsure of how to put it.

"You feel safe." Hangman added gently.

I let out a happy sigh, because in that moment I realized that he was right about that, he was 100% right.

"Yeah, so I'm still quite hungry - I'm actually craving something sweet, like Mexican Hot Chocolate...I think they have some at the diner downstairs."

I got up but was instantly stopped by Hangman standing in front of me.

"You are not leaving this room..."

Just then Rooster came back into the room.

"They will send a boat at a dock up the coastline tomorrow afternoon, we should drive out tomorrow morning...woah what is going on?"

Hangman turned and looked at him.

"She wanted to leave the room."

Rooster looked down at me, his face softened.

"Yeah that is not happening, where did you want to know baby?"

"I'm still hungry and I am looking for something sweet."

"Mexican hot chocolate..." Hangman added.

"I'll go get that for you..."

"No, I'll go." Hangman added, he turned and put his hand on Roosters shoulder, a look passed between them.

When Hangman left Rooster came close to me, he put his arms around me and pulled me into a hug, I hugged him back, resting my head against his chest listening to his heart beat strong and steady in his chest.

"Forgive him, and forgive me for our moon - we thought you were dead."

I looked up at him, his brown eyes told me how sad it had made him.

"What can I do to make it up to the both of you."

He put his knuckle under my chin and made me look higher up at him.

"You are going to make it up to us by obeying and letting us use this beautiful soft body of yours."

Blushing I looked down because I knew they really would.

"Can I work on the aircraft that I am building."

"Uh..." Rooster stepped back, giving me space.


Walking over to my bag that was brought over by my Black Ops guard, I pulled out my work tablet and pen, sitting in the chair with the window open I started working on it.

After a moment I heard Rooster start to take a shower.

I was working on it when I saw the flash of what looked like a red laser pointer on the wall in front of me, I didn't have time to do anything when an explosion of pain erupted in my shoulder and I let out a screen.

I fell on the floor on my back.

Rooster came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.


Just then a bullet hit the wall dangerously close to him, he got down on the floor, I was holding my should that now had a huge bullet hole in it.

"Call Hangman, tell him to get back up...and to not come back to the room."

Another shot hit the wall, we were trapped for the time being.

"Baby...are you hurt."

"Yeah..." I felt myself start to get dizzy, I had been fucking injured to much lately, and this was the last thing that I fucking needed. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now