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--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Seriously...Fightertown? I fucking hate the beach, and the heat."

Normally no one would dare talk to a four star admiral the way that I was right now, but I am technically a private contractor with the military – I have no rank and it was the Navy's fault that I had been compromised in the first place.

"I know it isn't ideal but we need time to settle things out, you will be working on base as a sort of assistant to Beau Simpson.

"Cyclone?" I shook my head, that guy had issues.

"I'm sorry about this, I'm sorry we have failed you. We understand that this is going to be an adjustment and we will do what we can to accommodate."

"No ones going to be looking for me in California that's for sure, I'll go along with this because I like the idea of not being taken against my will – I will behave just as long as I can still work on my new fighter jet."

He smiled at me.

"We would hope for nothing more, any things and equipment you need will be taken to your new place of work."

{One Week Later}

--- Bradly's Point of View ---

"I have never known Vice admiral Simpson to ever have an assistant. I heard her name was Chase, very odd for a girl. But it works for her." Jake muttered, I looked over at him at as I lined up another shot with my cue.

"I hadn't noticed her that much."

That was a bare faced lie, I had noticed her, I had not talked to her but I had been working up to it.

I saw her in Cyclones office when I came to give him some papers, she looked up at me for a moment when I walked in, then looked down and got back to work. I pride myself in being aware of my surroundings, and when I looked at her I saw raw ferial intelligence behind her eyes, and from that moment on I had kept an eye on her.

She was a mystery, very quiet and kept to herself.

"I'm thinking of talking to her...maybe asking her out if I can get her alone tomorrow."

I looked up at him, and did my best to hide my annoyance.


He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. "She's seems interesting, and I like a girls like her."

"What do you mean by girls like her?" My voice a little bit tense.

He gave me that cocky annoying smile.

"Short, soft, plump... submissive, maybe be able to handle what I can give her after hours."

"You are disgusting Jake, she isn't some object."

"No I'm direct, there is a difference Rooster. I have no intention of disrespecting her, I want to get to know her better, see if I am right about her."

I grabbed a beer and took big drink to calm myself. Why no earth was I bothered about him asking her out?

"Do what you want Jake, I need to get going." I had to leave before I throttled him or something.

--- Chase's Pont of View ---

I was not noticed at all, Cyclone was very hands off – he knew exactly who I was and he respected me for it – so I gave him respect back, he only told me what to do when some of the Lieutenant's and pilot's were around to make it seem like I worked for him.

Mostly I felt invisible and that was fine by me, I wasn't as aggressively attractive as many people on base, I was on the shorter side and bit curvy, so I felt safe and very unwatched.

I walked into the hangar, thinking that I was alone.

Smirking I walked up to the Super Hornet, they were made by Boeing, my competitor, it was a beautiful aircraft...I ran my hands across the edge of the wing, I had to reach up on my tip toes to touch it.

I was in the middle of making a new plane, it was called simply GHIDORAH, it was a different kind of aircraft, a hybrid of a traditional fighter and a stealth aircraft and a bomber – hence the name, it was going to be untraceable, maneuverable, pure stealth, deadly – it was terrifying.

I looked up just below the cockpit and read the name.

LT Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw

"Rooster..." I gently muttered, doing my best to remember who he is. I had to stifle a giggle, BRADley BRADshaw, I see a theme with that name.

"You shouldn't be touching someone's plane without their permission."

I turned sharply and looked up and was met with a handsome man with dark brown eyes, I did a quick scan of his face, seeing the scars on his cheek, chin and neck – somehow that made him even more attractive.

I looked up at the plane and then back at him slowly, tracking my eyes so he got what I was doing.

"You're Bradley I take it?"

"Yes...and you are?"


"Nice to meet you Chase, it's late, do you want to go to the mess hall on base and have a turkey sandwich with mayo and banana peppers - it's the only thing I have seen you eat on base."

I did my best not to react to what he had said, because it was clear that he had been watching me, and I had not been the wiser.

What the actual fuck, who was this guy? What else had he noticed?

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now