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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

Rooster was right, having the warm water go down my body was calming, I did my best to breath deeply and try and get myself under control again.

After a moment I felt like laughing, not because anything was funny per say, I was laughing because of the absurdity of the situation.

When I first walked into the room at Fightertown and saw both, I never imagined – I mean who could have fucking imagined, that I would be fucked by them both. Letting both of them cum in me unprotected – that turned me on for some reason.

I moved my hand to my lower back and hips, feeling the ghost of Hangman's hands on my hips was intoxicating.

I took a moment to try and think over my feelings – more deeply than I normally do, I always seemed to put them together in my mind as one person, but they were two very different men.

I loved Rooster because of how caring and kind he was, he was playful and friendly, I knew with him I would be always taken care of, he would always put me first and no matter how far I pushed him, he would never leave me.

Hangman was the exact opposite, he was feral and wild, sometimes he could be so rough and mean that it frightened me, but I knew being with him I would be taken to places emotionally and physically I would normally never be able to handle.

I turned off the shower the moment I had the realization, if I had to pick it would be Rooster – he would make a wonderful boyfriend...perhaps more.

If I had to, I could let Hangman go, even though it would deeply hurt me. Maybe I needed time from Hangman to get him out of my system.

I walked back into the room – towel wrapped around me; I don't know why but I jumped when I saw Rooster standing in the room.

He gave me a bemused smirk, and let out a little laugh.

"Sorry babe, didn't mean to scare you." I took a moment to look closer at him, he really was handsome, he held up a cup.

"Vegetable broth." He set it down on the side table, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, he seemed shocked but after a moment he wrapped his arms around him as well.

I pulled back and reaching up I put my hand behind his neck and pulling him down for a kiss, I kissed him deeply and kept kissing him, he soon got more into it and kissed me deeper, after a moment he gently pushed me back.

"If you keep kissing me like that, I'm going to make a mess of you again... drink the broth – I'm going to take a shower."

He gently moved away from me and walked to the shower, I watched him strip down, he didn't notice that I was watching him. I couldn't believe that this stunning man – and I do mean MAN, he just seemed so male, he was mine.

When he stepped into the shower I turned and took the broth, taking a sip I smiled, it tasted wonderful.

--- Hangman's Point of View ---

I was on the top deck looking over at the other ship, I hated leaving her like that, but she had pushed me to hard, I wondered if she even know how much I wanted her, how much I desired her.

I wanted her so deeply, that I found myself slowly starting to feel deep resentment at her for it. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now