Do You Want This?

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I dropped to the floor, and army crawled to the other side of the bed, I was breathing hard when my cell phone rang, I pulled it out, it was a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown Number

Sorry about that, we are the black ops who are watching you, we will be entering your room in a moment, don't move from the floor, and make no sound.

I did as I was told, after a moment two men dressed in tactical gear entered, one went over and closed the blinds, I didn't quite feel safe with them, I wondered if they were here to hurt me.

"Are you alright?" The taller one asked, I instantly recognized the man, both of them actually, I had seen them at the Hard Deck bar as well as in the mess hall, huh, you never picked them out of the crowed, they had always seemed kind of 'background' people.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"We were on the building across and slightly down the street, we were watching you."

'Oh god they must think I'm a whore.' My brain screamed.

"Uh, yeah, we were together and then they left."

"We don't like you out and about alone. We can take you back to base, unless they are coming back..." His voice trailed off, I blushed again.

"No, I don't' think they are, thank you, I'll take that ride."

As we were walking out of the building the shorter one cleared his throat.

"Did they hurt you?"

I was mortified and somewhat found the situation humorous.

"No, they were perfect gentleman." I muttered.

"I can't tell if you are being sarcastic."

"Clearly I am, are you sure you want to know what goes on, what you see watching me is meant to be private, you sighed a contract."

The both went silent after that.

{The Next Day}

I was helping Beau with some papers and looking out the window, the pilots have been running drills all day, I looked out the window but didn't see them flying, had they stopped for the day?

I found that I wanted both of them, I knew that if they offered to be with me, all three of us that is, I would agree to it, I had a bad feeling that it would get messy because Hangman knew who I really was, and Rooster didn't.

"Is everything alright?"

I jumped at hearing the unexpected voice, I turned and look at Beau who was giving me a very leveled look.

"Yeah, everything is fine."

He let out a sigh shaking his head. "You really don't want to be here, do you?"

"In more ways than you can imagine Beau- nothing against you." I sighed looking over at him, he smirked.

"No offense taken, take the rest of the day off, go work on whatever it is you are working on..."

"Thanks." I got up and left the room, making a turn towards the mess hall because I was starving.

A door to the side of me opened and I was grabbed, before I could scream a large hand went over my mouth, I took a deep breath, Hangman and Rooster have a very distinct smell, and as I inhaled, I smelled their aftershave.

"Easy baby, it's just us."

Roosters hand moved off my face, and I was gently shoved back, we were in what looked like large utility room and my back was up against a wall.

They were standing in front of me, Hangman moved forward and put his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me close to him, leaning down he put his lips against my cheek then lower breathing on my neck.

"We hated leaving you last night." Rooster softly proclaimed.

"Please don't send us away from you again." Hangman whispered against my neck.


"Do you want this?" Rooster asked softly.

"Yes." I tenderly responded, shivering at them being so close, I was floored because I had never felt this out of control before.

"Thank fucking god..." Rooster moved forward and put his hand on my upper back, both of them were touching me and they were close. It was more intimate than sexual.

"Good girl...Bradley has to do drills tonight, are you alright with just me tonight? Until he can join us early in the morning?" Hangman asked.


My stomach rumbled loudly.

"Were you going to the mess hall?" Hangman questioned, I nodded.

"Why don't you go eat with her, and I will prep your aircraft, if anyone asks, I'll say that I lost a bet."

He dipped his head down and kissed me on the lips, leaving the room quickly, when he was gone, I looked up at Rooster.

"This is going to be awkward and complicated, isn't it?"

"Only if you make it, come on, let's get dinner before I have to do night drills."  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now