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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I heard them being catapulted away, one after the other, my heart rate going up when they were set off.

"Hangman away..."

"Rooster away..."

"Switch to low level radar..." Beau demanded.

I walked over to one of the stations.

"I can take over from here."

The captain at the screen looked shocked and my request and looked up at Beau, who nodded at him.

"That is her weapon, go get some lunch."

The young man paused for a moment and shrugged and got up, handing me his headset, I sat down, and he left the room, it was lunch time after all.

I sat down and put on the headset, I have a front row view of their radar, I put my hands folded on the table and simply watched as she flew to their target.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

Mentally I was in the zone, normally I wasn't as easily distracted when I was in the cockpit but thinking about her made me a bit on edge, I hated leaving her injured.

I looked down and saw a light blinking on the console, I looked over at Hangman who was close to me, he was flagging me to have a private conversation, I flipped it.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I didn't like leaving her."

"Neither did I, we need to focus, you are the one caring this bomb..."

"I know, you can switch back to normal coms."

I did just that.

"Rooster approaching target, getting a lock on it..."

"Rooster, Hangman, the moment the bomb is dropped you are going to need

"Understood, Hangman I got target locked...engage."

I watched as he dropped the bomb, instantly and in sync we turned and started flying away, I looked over my shoulder...the moment the bomb dripped, it was as if a white light ignited.

"Mother of god..." Hangman muttered, that bomb, I wondered what the fuck they had just had me drop, I knew it wasn't a nuke...but from the looks of it, it was fucking close.

"Target is destroyed..." Hangman's voice held the same fear and wonder that I am sure that mine did, that was – who the fuck made a weapon like that?

"Rooster something is wrong with my tail..."

I turned and look, there was smoke trailing out of the back of his aircraft, black smoke, that was serious.

"I didn't escape the blast...I can't extinguish the fire..."

I started to say something to help him run a checklist.

"I'm going to have to bail out..."

"You can't that will leave you in the middle of enemy land...I'll eject with you."

"No, get back to the carrier, they will come get me, you have to get back to her...the carrier I mean..."

I closed my eyes; he covered it but... there was something in his voice that portrayed worry about leaving her.

I watched my heart hurting as I saw him bail out and his plane crash, I saw the back of his tail for just a moment, it was destroyed, he was right, he couldn't fly back.

"Rooster, continue flying and we are sending a rescue team."

I closed my eyes, I saw him parachute out...but I did as I was ordered, just like he had said, I had to get back to her.

{3 Hour's Later}

I landed and was debriefed for a long while, I saw pictures of the destruction – this bomb was a monster of a thing – I hoped I never met to made it because they would terrify me, there was no word on what was going on with Hangman, we were ordered back to the mainland

I swallowed frustrated emotions as I left the room – I was missing her and worried about him, I was making my way to where they were keeping her.

I made my way down the hall and saw her standing there.

"Baby why are you not..."

She shook her head, I saw tears start to fall down her face, I walked up to her and picked her up in my arms, she whimpered, but wrapped her legs around my waist.

"I'm sorry, he told me to come back to you..."

She walked forward and pushed me, I didn't stumble back very hard but when I saw the movement caused her pain I wanted nothing more than to hold her.

"Why didn't you save him? Why are you not with him now? Why didn't you bail too."

"He told me to come back to you, rescue is going after"

She turned and made her way into her room, shutting the door, I got to it, leaning my head against it I let out a sigh.

I don't know what came over me, I reached over and opened a box for the emergency open, I opened her door and walked in, shutting the door behind me, I narrowed my eyes at her.

She looked at me shocked at what I done, I walked over to her and put my hand under her chin.

"Fucking kneel..."

She narrowed her eyes at me, gently I pushed her down, I leaned back on a ledge as she looked up at me.

"I'm scared for him as much as you are, but you do not talk back to me like that..."

I ran my hand down the side of her cheek and throat, she looked down submissively, I had to bite back tears, I was terrified for Jake...but I knew that I had to take care of her during this and take care of myself.

"Good girl...let's get some rest... stress isn't good for healing..."

I lifted her shirt up, gasping when I saw her wound covered, but I did my best not to focus on it.

"Get undressed... I want to hold you completely naked." I turned and took off my shirt, so she couldn't see the worry on my face, I knew we would find comfort in one another. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now