What the?

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Chase's Point of View ---

{Amalfi Coast - Italy}

I set down my coffee, looking at my cheese and crackers suddenly losing my appetite. But I knew that I had been not eating for a while and it was starting to make me sick, I starve when I'm stressed.

I took a bite of some more cheese and offered him the other slice, he took it.

"Do you have more information?" I dead panned.

"Not at the moment..." He gave me a look. "Would you like me to keep my ear to the ground?"

"Would you?"

"Sure, we are moving hotels, we should be able to stay at this one for a while..."

I nodded, I was throwing myself in my work, building that aircraft and focusing on that, I didn't let anyone see but my heat was torn out with how Rooster handed what I told him.

Truthfully I had never been frightened of him until seeing him in a rage like that, for a second, just a microsecond I worried that he would harm me.

The worst part was that I loved him, more than Hangman – not that I would ever say that out loud, because I cared deeply for Hangman but I held Rooster closer to my heart, and his rejection of me caused me more anguish than I would have thought.

But to hear how he was suffering at my death – I couldn't even start to really process theses feeling, because I had no idea what the fuck I was feeling.

"Your thinking way to loudly." He added, I glared at him, knowing he was right I stood up, he stood up with me, I needed a depression nap, because my emotions were all over the fucking place.

--- Roosters Point of View ---

{Late Night}

There was some comfort in being close to Hangman, but there was a wedge between us, I couldn't even be mad at him for faking his death, because the pain of losing her was to great.

He gently pushed me back and looked at me, running his hand though my hair and holding it at the back of my head, the move was intimate but forceful.

"I asked the Vice Admiral if we could take some shore leave for a while, get out of here and get levelheaded."

"And go were?"

I saw him swallow, looking closer at him I saw that he was holding back tears, he was trying his best to be strong in this situation.

"We can go to my parents summer home on the coat, we will be alone for a while."

"I would like that..."

I laid back down and I felt him stand up.

"Do you want food."

My stomach was empty, but I didn't know if I dared to eat anything.

"You need to eat, it would help with the sedatives and make you feel better."

"What are you my mother?" I griped.

"Don't be like that, you need looking after right now, we both do, come on, give me something to do. What can I get you?"

"Pizza...peperoni." I added softly.

"I'll be back soon." And like Maverick he kissed the back of my head, it was comforting. I realized that I cared and loved this man, not romantically, but platonically.

--- Hangman's Point of View ---

I got into my car and wiped my eyes, taking a deep breath I started my car when my cell phone vibrated startling me out of my depressing mood, it was a text message from THEM.

I was confused, they let me go because she was dead, they didn't need me, and as far as they knew I was out and back to my normal life.

I opened the text, it simply said 'taken an hour ago, we will contact you again' then I saw that they had sent a picture, it looked like a coast of something, it was a close up of Chase... it was her, I would know her anywhere.

"What the fuck?" 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant