~ Charred Chest Chapter 1- Treasure~

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~Chapter 1 – Veena's Treasure~

~Age 966B~

Veena circled the creature with a keen eye. Inspecting it's hefty beak, it's white feathers, and it's talons. The great bird was a pelican, easily standing twice as tall as Veena herself.

The bird's owner sat nearby, watching Veena work. He usually came around every few months for a quick check up on his pelican. Wearing goggles and a wind breaking vest, the sky rider was preparing for another trip. He waited outside Veena's humble abode as she worked.

Veena gently ran her hands across the pelican's side and smiled, "He's in great condition. You're heading back out to sea with him, aren't you?"

"Yes ma'am."

"The seas get chillier around this time of year. I have some potions that should help your bird bear it better. But with how healthy he is, he might not need it."

The sky rider reached into his vest and pulled out a pouch of coins, "I'd rather be safe than sorry. Thanks Veena."

The Sky Rider stored some of the potions onto the pelican's saddle and mounted the great bird. Then with a gust of wind under its wings, the pelican took off into the air.

Veena headed into her humble home. The house itself was small, she lived alone so she didn't need much space. But she had several acres of open land around her, and beyond that there were lush green plains in each direction.

Inside her house she had an alchemy station that she'd use to brew potions to help treat the animals of her clientele, with a series of her most requested potions stored away.

In her bedroom was a hefty chest with a sturdy padlock. It was dark black, as if charred by flames. She reached beneath her bed and felt around until she found a key. She took the key to the chest and unlocked it. She went to open it... but it wouldn't budge. It was always cumbersome like this.

She tried to force it open again, this time with both hands. After yanking up as hard as she could, she managed to force the chest open. Veena couldn't but think it was overly secure. With its great weight, durability, and sturdy padlock, at least she never had to worry about the chest being stolen.

The chest was partitioned into two sections on the inside. In one was her most recent savings. On the other were some old keepsakes she had stored there. She took half the money she had been given by the Sky rider and tossed it in the chest. She eyed her old keepsakes for a moment... before closing the chest.

The weight of the lid got away from her, and the chest slammed shut with a thud that shook her house. She locked the chest and returned to her alchemy station.

She toiled away there for a while before a knock came at her door. Perhaps it was one of her clients from the town down the road?

"Hellooo.... Hello?" A boy's voice sounded from outside.

"Just a moment." Veena hollered, heading to the meet them. She didn't recognize the voice.

"Yes, how can I – Oh my!" Veena nearly shrieked as she stepped outside. What she found before her was a black feathered bird with a sharp beak, standing at least three times her height with it's shadow cast over her. It wore a saddle on its back. Veena hadn't heard of anyone taming a crow before.

She saw a young boy with dark black hair in somewhat baggy clothes standing beside it. He had the beginnings of a mustache; he must've barely been a teenager. Veena couldn't help but be reminded of her son as she looked at him.

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