Collector Chapter 2- Veena & Digger

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~Chapter 2- Veena & Digger~

~A few days earlier~

To the west of the Platt Mountains was a farm with a modest home where an old woman named Veena lived. Her back porch led out to acres of fenced in land and big barn. Small holes dotted the area, and snoring could be heard from the barn.

Late one night Veena was awoken by knocking at the door of her humble abode. She had barely gotten to sleep, but forced herself out of bed anyways. When she opened the door, she saw a familiar couple from the nearby town holding their pet bear. The small animal nestled into its owner's arms, clearly in distress.

"What happened to her?" Veena asked as she caressed the bear's head, her eyes still heavy from lack of sleep.

"We think she broke her leg; can you help us?"

Veena nodded and brought the couple to the workstation in her home. There was an adjustable table at its center, with tools, herbs, several bottles of brightly colored potions lining the walls. There was an open window to the acres of land she owned. Peculiarly, the windowsill had a cushion laid along it, and the area beneath it was cracked.

She placed the bear on the table and looked her over gently. The little creature tensed up whenever she placed a hand around its leg.

"She just sprained her leg. I'll make a brace for her and you'll just have to make sure she doesn't move around too much for the next few days. Come back to see me if it doesn't improve by next week," She explained, "I can give you a potion to help her with any pain as well."

"Oh thank you, thank you so much Veena!"

Veena went through her drawers and drew out a thin block of wood that would serve as a brace, and a few strips of cloth to tie it with. She began to carefully tie it around the bear's leg.

As she worked, the snout of a large beast popped through the window. The couple jumped at the sight of the massive creature but Veena smiled softly, "Hello Digger."

Outside her window was an aged black and white-colored Chihuahua, Veena's pet for quite some time, long before she began helping others with their animals. It calmly rested its head on the cushioned windowsill to watch its owner. Digger's ears flopped down around his head.

Veena tightened the bracer around the bear's little leg, and fetched a potion for the couple.

"Thank you again Veena! We'll let you know how she's doing." The grateful husband said as he took his bear into his arms. He glanced at the Chihuahua staring at them from outside, "How has Digger been?"

Veena circled to Digger and rubbed under his chin and on his bulbous head, "The old guy is doing fine. He's lost his hearing though. Isn't that right buddy?"

Digger looked at Veena with a soft expression, one full of endearment towards his owner. As if the old dog couldn't be happier than he was in her presence.

"I remember he barked at us pretty viciously before," The wife commented.

"He's starting to become more relaxed around other people in his old age," Veena said, "He can still be a stinker sometimes though."

Veena bid the couple farewell, and promptly returned to bed. She managed to drift to sleep but was awoken by a nudge at her side. Digger had poked his head through the window and was prodding her with his nose. Veena groaned, pulled the blanket from her bed, and headed outside.

She walked out to the back yard where Digger would roam, though he tended to linger near the house in recent years. There were a series of holes on her land, all ones that Digger had dug up at some point, his penchant for digging is what named him. Though, he hasn't dug as much lately.

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